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Chapter 33 the great depression and the New Deal

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1 Chapter 33 the great depression and the New Deal

2 Standards US.48 Analyze the causes and consequences of the Dust Bowl of the 1930s. US.49 Identify and explain the following New Deal programs and assess their past or present impact: Works Progress Administration Tennessee valley AUTHORITY (TVA) Social Security CUMBERLAND HOMESTEADS Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (fdic) GREAT SMOKY MTNS NATNL PARK Securities and Exchange Commission CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS (CCC) Fair Labor Standards Act AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ACT National Recovery Administration and NIRA US.50 Analyze the effects of and the controversies arising from New Deal economic policies, including charges of socialism and FDR’s “court packing” attempt

3 1932 election Republican incumbent Herbert hoover vs Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt Wife: Eleanor Roosevelt (niece of Theodore Roosevelt)

4 1932 election FDR had polio but kept it hidden
Spoke of the “forgotten man” Ran on repealing prohibition, balancing the budget, & sweeping social & economic reforms He pledged a “new deal for the American people” W/ THIS ELECTION, African-americans began moving to the democratic party, as they had been hit especially hard during the depression (“last hired, first fired”)

5 inauguration Inauguration day: march 4, 1933
Famous quote: “let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

6 FDR & the three r’s: relief, recovery, reform
US 49 New deal goals: immediate relief & recovery, long term reform Fdr Used “fireside chats” (radio broadcasts) to reassure citizens Glass-Steagall banking reform act provided for the federal deposit insurance corporation (fdic)-insured deposits-ended epidemic of bank failures

7 Civilian conservation corps (ccc)
US 49 Most popular of the new deal “alphabet agencies” Created in the unemployment relief act Employed people in fresh-air govt camps: Reforestation, firefighting, flood control, swamp drainage

8 Agricultural adjustment act (aaa)
Made millions available to farmers to help meet their mortgages All this direct relief helped get through the winter of , but unemployment & suffering remained

9 Works progress administration (wpa)
US 49 Objective: employment on useful projects: public buildings, bridges, hard-surfaced roads Largest & most ambitious new deal agency

10 National recovery administration and nira
US 49 NIRA: NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL RECOVERY ADMINISTRATION Ambitious program: Wanted to combine immediate relief w/ long-range recovery & reform goal: to eliminate "cut-throat competition" by bringing industry, labor, and government together to create codes of "fair practices" and set prices. Minimum wages set.

AGRICULTURAL ADJUSTMENT ADMINISTRATION (AAA) Established farm subsidies (we still have today) reduced agricultural production by paying farmers subsidies not to plant on part of their land. purpose was to reduce crop surplus & therefore effectively raise the value of crops.

12 The dust bowl US 48 Prolonged drought causing overfarmed topsoil to move in furious winds

13 The dust bowl

14 Causes & consequences of the dust bowl
Causes: Drought & wind. Overfarming using dry farming techniques & mechanization Consequences: people left the area. “okies” (people from Oklahoma) & “arkies” (people from Arkansas) moved to California John Steinbeck’s the grapes of wrath chronicles the trek to California from oklahoma


16 Securities and exchange commission (sec)
US 49 Enforces securities (any financial asset like stocks, bonds, etc) laws & regulates the industry. mission: to protect investors; maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets; and facilitate capital formation Still have this today

17 Tennessee valley authority (tva)
US 49/51 See map on page 788 Brought: full employment, cheap electric power (including to west Tennessee!), low-cost housing, restoration of eroded soil, reforestation, flood control

18 Social security act US 49 Federal-state unemployment insurance & security for old age (we still have this today) paid for by a payroll tax on employers & employees Republicans hated & opposed it. Said employees would have to wear a metal dog tag for life.

19 Fair labor standards act
US 49 Set a minimum wage & maximum-hour levels Labor by children under 16 forbidden Industrialists fought it Fdr contd to be called a socialist by republicans & opponents Republicans said the new deal promoted class strife & that people could get themselves out of the depression if they could only get the interventionist big govt off their backs.

20 US 50 Court packing In 9 cases involving the new deal, Roosevelt had lost 7 times in the conservative court Asked congress for legislation to allow him to add new justices (from 9 to 15 justices)=to “pack” the court Costly political blunder

21 Keynesian economics 1937: unemployment down to 15% (but that’s still high) Fdr embraced john maynard Keynes’ deficit spending (remember for senior year economics!) Natnl debt skyrocketed

22 Cumberland homesteads
US 49 A planned new deal community in the Cumberland plateau

23 Great smoky mountains national park
US 49 Established in 1934 by fdr Ccc camps set up and used to work

24 Norris Dam & Dale Hollow Lake Controversies

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