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Top 10 products to come from Slave labor and Human Trafficking

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1 Top 10 products to come from Slave labor and Human Trafficking
Kieran Keane

2 Chocolate Chocolate a sweet treat for almost everyone to enjoy but very few know that sometimes it is produces by people in the slave trade.

3 Electronics Nowadays most of us have a cell phone or laptop but do you know a lot of American companies were under fire for profiting of these people instead of improving conditions.

4 Cannabis We think of it as just getting stoned or using it for medical purposes but around the world many children are in danger because they are forced into this underground trade.

5 Clothing We call it being fly or fresh but what we don’t see is the horrors people go through in order to make these items

6 Rubber Firestone was under heat for buying of a Liberian company who treated their employees like slaves

7 Palm Oil Over 40 billion a year industry that for the most part does not care for its workers

8 Fake Designer Items We have all seen them as cheap substitutes but they are actually terrible the conditions people work in to make them are disgusting.

9 Diamonds We have heard the term Blood Diamonds before well understand it is real and nothing to be joked about

10 Pornogrophy Nothing to be immature about pornography is very heavy in the Human Trafficking world and needs to be stopped

11 Seafood A lot of the seafood companies use slave labor on their ships and for logistics

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