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By: Janet Mandell, Nikki Rumizen, and Hannah Berman

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1 By: Janet Mandell, Nikki Rumizen, and Hannah Berman
Uranium. By: Janet Mandell, Nikki Rumizen, and Hannah Berman

2 But first… a message: “Hey kids! I’m Moses and I’m going to teach you alllll about uranium today! Ready? Let’s go!”

3 Characteristics/What is it?
Heavy metal High density Nonrenewable Potentially radioactive Discovered in 1789; energy in 1930s 3 isotopes: U-238, U-235, U-234

4 Extraction Underground and surface mining No longer used in U.S.
In-Situ Leaching Splitting of Uranium atoms (fission) Conventional or breeder Fusion

5 World Reserve/ World Leaders
Australia- 29% * Most Uranium in World France uses the most Uranium *from 2015

6 Advantages of the Energy Source
Relativity clean No greenhouse gases Reliable Powerful 91% efficiency rating Cheap Large supply

7 Ryan, the American Pika You’re wrong!
“That sounds awesome Moses! I won’t become extinct! Since there isn’t any CO2 going into the atmosphere, Global warming will slow down and I won’t die!”

8 Disadvantages of the Energy Source
Unstable element Radioactive waste Accidents Three Mile Island (PA) and Chornobyl (Ukraine) Water pollutant Possible leaks leading to cancer

9 How the AcuteBrush™ Helps
No worries about the water pollutant because the AcuteBrush™ only uses ¼ cup of water each use! AcuteBrush™

10 Environmental Impacts
May affect surface water and groundwater quality Acid mine drainage Tailings Doesn’t emit harmful pollutants/gases like CO2

11 How Energy is Produced By Using it
Nuclear energy Uranium atoms split apart easily Makes electricity 8% of energy consumption in U.S. 3rd highest source for electric power in U.S. Nuclear Energy Institute cites 92.2% efficiency

12 Where Does the Waste Go/ What is Produced
Rock formations - geological repositories 1982 Nuclear Waste Policy Act Nuclear Waste Fund Congress chose site in Nevada Yucca Mountain 14 billion dollars spent so far DOE withdrew application in 2010

13 Recent Story Renewed interest today Trump
120 million dollar budget request 77,000 metric tons

14 Works cited

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