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Common Core Aligned Writing

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1 Common Core Aligned Writing
Part 1: The Three Types of Writing Addressed Through EL’s Curriculum Modules

2 Welcome Norms for Collaboration

3 Learning Targets I can describe characteristics of the different types writing required by the Common Core State Standards and how they are incorporated into the Modules. I can describe EL’s approach to writing in the English language arts curriculum modules. I can describe how models, critique, and descriptive feedback are used to promote the development of high-quality common core aligned writing from students.

4 Learning Target Tracker (P. 159)
Please locate the Learning Target Tracker in your Participant Notebook. Take a moment to assess where you are in meeting these targets AT THE MOMENT. Mark where you are for each Learning Target with a symbol or the time. We will revisit this tracker at the end of this session to see how your understanding of this information has grown.

5 Our First Learning Target
I can describe characteristics of the different types of writing required by the Common Core State Standards and how they are incorporated into the Modules. Turn and Talk: What is one thing you know about the types of writing required by the Common Core Standards?

6 Common Core Standards Appendix A
Form Triads. Each member of the triad should choose one of the sections of Appendix A from their Participant Notebook (pp ) to read: Argument Informational/explanatory Narrative As you read, complete the Text Rendering Protocol Note-catcher (pp ) for your specific text.

7 Discuss In your triad, take turns sharing your thinking and notes from the section you read. Synthesizing the information from the three types of writing, work together to record answers to the questions numbered at the bottom of the Text Rendering Protocol Notecatcher.

8 Share Out Based upon your new learning from Appendix A of the Standards, what are the types of writing  you will need to do more of in your classroom? What are some things you’ll need to do less of?

9 Writing in the Modules Sort
In your group, designate a facilitator and a timekeeper. Review the Writing in Modules Task Card in your Participant Notebook. (p. 205) Follow the instructions to work through the task. Take notes as you discuss each step. Note: We will be addressing the questions you are asked on the task card as whole group.

10 Musical Mingle Debrief
What did you notice about the types of writing required by the Common Core standards? How is “writing from sources” incorporated into the modules? What did you notice about writing that addresses the research standard? Think about the performance tasks you looked at during the sort activity. What additional writing or language standards do the performance tasks address? Why?

11 Learning Target Reflection
I can describe characteristics of the different types writing required by the Common Core State Standards and how they are incorporated into the Modules

12 Our Second Learning Target
I can describe EL’s approach to writing in the English language arts curriculum modules.

13 Four As Discussion Protocol
Locate the text: Writing Instruction in EL NYS Modules. (pp ) Read the text silently, annotating in response to the following four questions: Ag - What do you Agree with in the text? Ac - What, from the text, have you taken Action on already? Ar - What do you want to Argue with in the text? As - What parts of the text do you Aspire to?

14 Fold the Line Take your notes with you. Form a continuum.
Once you have a partner, share what you captured for each of the Four As.

15 What’s Not in the Modules, and Why
EL values other areas of writing instruction. EL’s “charge” was to provide curriculum directly linked to the Common Core Shifts in instruction for teachers. Module lessons are designed to last about 60 minutes a day in grades 3-5. Any type of writing excluded from the modules can be addressed through additional literacy time.

16 Learning Target Reflection
I can describe characteristics of the different types of writing required by the Common Core State Standards and how they are incorporated into the Modules. Reflection Prompt: Imagine you are at Open House. A parent says, “My son loves to write. What types of writing will he get to do this year?” Turn and talk to share your response.

17 Closing

18 Common Core Aligned Writing
Part 2: Using Models, Critique, and Descriptive Feedback to Strengthen Student Writing

19 Our Third Learning Target
I can describe how models, critique, and descriptive feedback are used to promote the development of high-quality Common Core aligned writing from students. Turn to a partner and paraphrase the Learning Target.

20 Watch For… What do you notice about the language both the students and the teacher are using? What do you notice about students’ engagement in this process? What connections do you make between this art example and writing instruction?

21 Austin’s Butterfly
Video on Austin’s Butterfly -

22 Triad Jigsaw Form a Triad.
Everyone will read the common text Models, Critique, and Descriptive Feedback: Essential Classroom Tools pgs and fill out the first section of the Jigsaw Recording Form (p.216) As you read, text code for: N - New information ? - Questions that arise V - Validations of what you already believe or do in you classroom

23 Triad Jigsaw Use the Models Critique and Descriptive Feedback Jigsaw Recording Form to divide up the remaining sections for reading. You will be asked to share important ideas and page numbers from your section with your group. Be ready to share with your group in 15 minutes. Timekeepers please start your watches and make sure you group starts on time.

24 Triad Jigsaw Jigsaw Sharing Protocol:
Each person in your triad will have 5 minutes to share the most important points of the section they read. Others will listen, take notes, and ask questions if needed. The timekeeper is responsible for keeping to the time limit for each triad member.

25 Critique and Feedback with 3rd Graders
Video on : Critique and Feedback with 3rd Graders at Presumpscot Elementary

26 Video Debrief How will the practices you saw promote high quality writing from students? What would look different about a critique lesson if conducted in a sixth, seventh, or eighth grade classroom? How could you use this third grade video with your students?

27 Learning Target Reflection
We will continue to work on our learning target: I can describe how models, critique, and descriptive feedback are used to promote the development of high- quality common core aligned writing from students. Take 60 seconds to reflect on where you stand in relation to meeting this target.

28 Norms for Giving Feedback
Be Kind. Be Specific. Be Helpful.

29 Continued Work Toward Our Target
I can describe how models, critique, and descriptive feedback are used to promote the development of high-quality common core aligned writing from students.

30 Feedback Students can’t hear something that’s beyond their comprehension; nor can they hear something if they are not listening or are feeling like it would be useless to listen. Because students’ feelings of control and self-efficacy are involved, even well intentioned feedback can be very destructive. “See? I knew I was stupid!” The research on feedback shows its Jekyll-and-Hyde character. Not all studies about feedback show positive effects. The nature of the feedback and the context in which it is given matter a great deal

31 Preparing to Give Feedback
Study the rubric for grades 3-5. (pp ) Highlight or underline key “look fors” in student work designed to meet the criteria outlined on the rubric. (Note: Student work can be found on pp of you Participant Notebook.

32 Stars and Steps Access the prompt, outline, and sample student work you will be analyzing. Use Models, Critique, and Descriptive Feedback as a reference. Write feedback to this student – Be Kind, Be Specific, Be Helpful – based upon the criteria in the rubric. (p. 218)

33 Stars and Steps Sharing
Share with a partner the feedback you gave to this student. Be sure to include why you gave the feedback you did. Consider using the following sentence: “I gave that feedback because I think it will help this student move from level ___ to level ___ on the rubric.”

34 Learning Target Reflection
I can describe how models, critique, and descriptive feedback are used to promote the development of high-quality common core aligned writing from students.

35 Closing: Learning Targets Reflection
I can describe characteristics of the different types writing required by the Common Core State Standards and how they are incorporated into the Modules. I can describe EL’s approach to writing in the English language arts curriculum modules. I can describe how models, critique, and descriptive feedback are used to promote the development of high-quality common core aligned writing from students.

36 Revisiting the Learning Target Tracker (P. 159)
Take a moment to assess where you are now in meeting these targets. Mark where you with a different symbol or the time. How has your understanding of the learning targets grown?

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