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Translations of the Social Sciences: A Theoretical Argument and Empirical Evidence of How Sociology Can Contribute to Solving Practical Problems Seweryn.

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Presentation on theme: "Translations of the Social Sciences: A Theoretical Argument and Empirical Evidence of How Sociology Can Contribute to Solving Practical Problems Seweryn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Translations of the Social Sciences: A Theoretical Argument and Empirical Evidence of How Sociology Can Contribute to Solving Practical Problems Seweryn Rudnicki, Ph.D. AGH University of Science and Technology (Krakow, Poland)

A long tradition stemming from the work of "founding fathers” Skepticism: social engineering, commercialization, vulgarization of the discipline Limited contribution of sociology to solving major global problems & input to the knowledge-based economy An expansion of neurosciences & data sciences In Poland: the public debate on the usefulness of social sciences and humanities

3 #1 COMPLEXITY Complex, reflexive & emergent nature of social reality is the cause of its limited practical application. Reduction or by-pass of the complexity is a necessary condition for a successful application of sociology.

4 #2 IMMATURITY The insufficient academic standards of the discipline and its backwardness in relation to the natural sciences. The lack of: culminating research, grand theory, deterministic rules, predictive power, but the multiplicity of paradigms. Higher academic standards (mirroring the natural sciences) & cutting edge research are necessary.

5 #3 ORIENTATION The research activity within sociology is wrongly directed mostly at purely scientific issues. Its reorientation towards the needs of potential recipients of this knowledge is necessary.

Ineffectiveness in controlling material, human and symbolic resources resulting in: financial constraints, recruitment to the profession, public image of the discipline, etc. Better organization & more resources are needed.

7 CASE STUDIES 23 case studies (3 foreign) of the application of the social sciences in business or public sphere aprox. 60 in-depth interviews + desk research

8 Name Product Organization Discipline CEiEPP evaluation of public polices academic centre sociology, public management Region Plus regional analysis spin-off company social geography Deliberative opinion poll in Poznan deliberative polling project (local authorities & university) sociology CAL training method NGO social pedagogy NUQ Research ethnography in market research company ethnography 313 Consulting training games psychology, management Cogision user experience research cognitive sciences, sociology OMDO local public consultation method Centrum Cyfrowe expertise on digital society Decision Institute* decision making consultancy management

9 CONCLUSION #1 The reduction of the complexity & reflexivity of social reality is not a neccesary condition for a succesful application of sociological knowledge. In fact, some uses take advantage of the reflexivity (deliberative polling, training methods).

10 CONCLUSION #2 Higher academic standards & cutting edge knowledge are not necessary. Broader approaches (e.g. ethnography, evaluation, participation) are more important than particular research findings.

11 CONCLUSION #3 The only necessary condition is a working business model based upon a product-user fit. Knowledge needs to be translated into product that satisfies a need or eases pain of a user.

12 (evaluation of public polices) (ethnographic research)
a need for reliable & independent assessment of public policies CEiAPP (evaluation of public polices) a need for deep, communicative and easy-to-use insights into customer behaviours NUQ Research (ethnographic research) a need for independent & reliable support for decision making & negotiation with stakeholders Deliberative polling

13 TRANSLATION According to the actor-network theory (ANT):
a process of transforming one object into another, hiding inconsistencies and abrupt changes in the process (Callon 1990; Law 2006). The production of scientific knowledge is a chain of successive translations of reality through e.g. sample selection, laboratory testing, writing scientific papers, etc.

A successful application of sociological knowledge requires its translation to objects that offer value (benefit) which is recognizable by its receipients.

15 Application/ Transfer
Business/ Policy making Science Application/ Transfer Knowledge: If A, then B Action: Do A, expect B

16 Translation Select&modify Business Science Scale Market research methods Ethnography research methods New objects Intermediaries Relations

17 CONCLUSION #4 Translation is not just usage or transfer of ready-made knowledge, but its active modification. Sociology may contribute more to solving practical problems, if it becomes more open to translations.

18 THANK YOU! Seweryn Rudnicki, Ph.D.
AGH University of Science and Technology

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