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Knowledge Management.

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1 Knowledge Management

2 Basic Concepts KM is a process through which organizations generate value from their intellectual and knowledge based assets. Km is a process of organizational learning and problem solving KM is facilitated by IT KM helps organizations identify, select, organize, disseminate & transfer important information and experience. The information available in knowledge base is generally unstructured and have information both from internal and external sources Example: The knowledge of better construction and land acquisition techniques was a core competency for DLF (major Real Estate player in India)

3 Knowledge Management Process
Knowledge Acquisition - Identify / generate new insights, ideas & routines Unstructured docs, mails, texts & contributions Discovering patterns/hidden facts in corporate data Knowledge Storage Database or central repository Document mgt system that digitize, index and tag data to a systematic framework Expert System can preserve knowledge acquired by organizations during their lifetime Knowledge Dissemination Sharing for right and effective decision making Collaborative technologies, groupware can be used Knowledge Application - Apply this existing knowledge for adding business value

4 KM framework Internal Biz Opn. Data Repository External Env Web R & D
Technology Acquire Store Disseminate Apply Extract Extract Inputs Inputs ERP/CRM Database Disseminate Disseminate Share & Apply Share & Apply

5 Challenges in KM Getting employees on board
- Major prob. In getting employees participate in the KM process - Ask employees to share their everyday knowledge & experiences - Should be easy and natural for employees Updating knowledge base - Knowledge erodes over passage of time - Constantly update /upgrade knowledge Data Deluge - Participation of E/C/S in an unguided and moderated manner can lead to contradiction and confusion -Quality data should be extracted diligently w/o over-load

6 Tools of Knowledge Management
KM activities can be clubbed together in three broad categories: Enterprise Knowledge Portals - Enterprise solution, content mgt sys., portals, search engines & collaborative tools Knowledge work Systems - CAD, CAM, dimensional visualization tools used by engineers, scientists & doctors Intelligent Techniques - Data mining, models to solve problems, gaining business insights

7 Intelligent Techniques of KM
Artificial Intelligence Expert Systems Neural Networks Fuzzy Logic Systems Genetic Algorithms Intelligent Agents

8 Managerial Issues of KM
Providing strategic advantage Top management support Knowledge relevance Motivation to participate Financial cost /benefit, investment Verification of knowledge contributions System design of KM Sustainability Compatibility with existing IT infrastructure Roles/responsibilities and evaluation of KM exec.

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