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Making the Right Choice
× Our Classrooms Work to best of your ability – always try your best
Complete all tasks, planned work Follow classroom rules and routines Respect all resources and property – keep classrooms tidy Work collaboratively, co-operatively with others Always use good manners Listen to teacher instructions Listen and respond appropriately to all staff and peers Appreciate the work of others Demonstrate respect to all staff and others Lack of effort Incomplete tasks – lack of effort, application Refusing to complete tasks Consistent disregard for classroom rules and routines Misuse, damage to or destruction of resources and property Talk at inappropriate time Ignore instructions or directions Disruptive behaviour – shouting out, throwing objects, tapping pencils Lack of respect towards staff and others – answering back, negative attitude, inappropriate language, unkind words
× Our Playground Work cooperatively with others
Demonstrate respect to all staff and pupils Use appropriate voice level and kind words Listen and respond appropriately to all staff Line up carefully and sensibly when bell rings Respect environment and resources Be assertive when necessary - “Stop! I don’t like that.” Be honest and tell the truth Always use good manners Physical and verbal aggression towards others – not keeping your body to yourself Leaving litter Ignoring instructions and directions from staff Being disrespectful towards staff and peers Breaking rules of games Use of bad/inappropriate language No telling tales Actively damaging resources
× Our Dining Hall Good manners – please and thank you Walk sensibly
Follow directions Quickly and efficiently collect lunch and choose seat Use cutlery appropriately Tidy up after yourself Use appropriate voice level Demonstrate respect to all staff and others Leaving food on the floor/table Being rude and disrespectful to staff and peers Moving around the dining hall, changing seat Shouting, screaming or making inappropriate noises – disruptive behaviour Throwing food around the dining hall
× Assemblies Consistently talking during assembly
Demonstrate respect Follow adult instructions Be a quality audience member – listen, observe, participate and respond, track the speaker Actively participate in all aspects of assembly – singing, listening, answering Acknowledge and appreciate the achievements of others Set an example for others to follow Accept your award with enthusiasm Stand tall and proud Walk safely entering and leaving the hall – move calmly Be seated quietly, listen and respond appropriately Respect the personal space of others Demonstrate respect to all staff and others Consistently talking during assembly Ignoring staff – continuing with inappropriate singing Choosing not to participate in tasks Being disrespectful to others Poor sportsmanship Disruptive behaviour
× Our Toilets Respect privacy In and Out, Don’t Mess About
Use appropriate amount of toilet paper Use appropriate voice level Save water – turning off taps Return from the toilet quickly and quietly Wash your hands Flush the Toilet Visit the toilet at appropriate times – morning and afternoon intervals Climbing on toilet seats, opening doors while others in toilet Wasting toilet paper – down toilet, on floor, walls or ceiling Leave taps running, block sinks Have a carry – messing about, being silly and inappropriate
× Around Our School Walking efficiently around school
Use appropriate voice Listen to and follow directions and instructions of staff Be courteous of other pupils, staff and adults in school Be aware of other people – peers, office staff Be aware and respectful of displays Quality line – moving around the school in safe and orderly manner Running and/or inappropriate behaviour Disruptive behaviour Shouting or talking in loud voice Damaging displays
Our Behaviour System Making the right choice
All actions have consequences Consequences can be positive or negative Be responsible for your actions
Our Behaviour System Each day start on Ready to Learn
Outstanding Each day start on Ready to Learn Actions have consequences Right choice – move up Wrong choice – move down Great Job Good Day Ready to Learn Reflection Teacher’s Choice Parent Contact
Right choices = positive consequences
Our Behaviour System Outstanding Great Job Good Day Right choices = positive consequences Positive Note Home or telephone call Positive visit Certificate Extra playtime Merit Award Responsibilities Stickers or stamps Extra privileges Table, class or house points
Our Behaviour System Wrong choices = negative consequences
Reflection Teacher’s Choice Parent Contact Wrong choices = negative consequences You are responsible for your actions STOP THINK MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE
Our Behaviour System Teacher’s Choice Reflection
Time to turn it around Think about your actions Stop and change your attitude Continued to make wrong choice Teacher decides consequence Consequences could be a range of things Incident Report completed and sent home
Our Behaviour System Parent Contact
If you choose to not make the right choice consequences are: Phone call to parent/carer Incident Report completed and sent home Meeting with your parent/carer Behaviour chart Behaviour target
Our Behaviour System Reflection Card Outstanding Card SMT Card Teacher’s Choice Card Cards will be distributed to pupils to notify class teacher of positive or negative behaviour
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