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Introduction to f1000Research
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Overview What is F1000Research?
Transparent post-publication peer review Data sharing and publication Article types and article collections General information Other services from F1000
What is F1000Research?
What is F1000Research? F1000Research is an Open Science publishing platform for life scientists, offering immediate publication and transparent refereeing, avoiding editorial bias and ensuring the inclusion of all source data. F1000Research has a prestigious international Advisory Board of more than 1300 of the most eminent names in biology and medicine. [Note to F1000 Specialists. If you’d like to customise this slide for your audience, we can help you find a list of Advisory Board Members at your institute or in your field. If you’d like to take your audience through the full Advisory Board, it’s available here:
Key features of F1000Research
Immediate publication Transparent refereeing No editorial bias Data included Indexed in PubMed F1000Research publishes articles faster than other journals, on average within a week. Publication is so fast because F1000Research uses a transparent post-publication peer review model, which will be explained in more detail in the rest of this presentation. In addition, F1000Research includes all underlying data with each article, and accepts non-traditional article types, such as null results, refutations, observation articles, or articles based on a poster.
What our authors are saying
Feedback from authors who have published in F1000Research. [Note to F1000 Specialists – Although these quotes are representative and cover all key aspects of publishing with F1000Research, we have other quotes available. Ask us if you’d like to change these and we can help you find other ones.]
Transparent Post-publication peer review
The first part of this talk describes how F1000Research handles peer review.
The publication process
Most journals publish articles after they pass peer review. The peer review process can take months – sometimes years. After rejection, start over again with another journal. This delays publication.
Publication delay is a problem
Can be scooped during review process No recent published work to show for funding applications Lab members leave during revision process, and paper may never be published if the project is abandoned. Slows down research progress Frustrating... [Note to F1000 Specialists. Feel free to customise this with problems you yourself have encountered as a result of publication delay.]
The publication process
F1000Research is making it possible to get an article online within days, by using post-publication peer review. When a manuscript is submitted to the journal, the in-house editorial team will run a pre-refereeing check. This thorough check includes making sure the language is readable, doing a plagiarism check, checking figures, making sure all data are included, and checking for ethical concerns. Once the paper is ready to be sent to referees, it’s also published online, and the data are in suitable repositories. Referees are invited based on expertise, much like at other journals. Authors can suggest referees, but the editorial team will make the final call whether an editor is suitable or not. When a referee submits a referee report, that is published with the article, and the reviewers are named. Registered users can also leave comments on the article at any time, but that is independent of the refereeing process. If an author needs to make revisions, they can send in a new version, and that will be peer reviewed again. All versions of an article and all referee reports are public. When an article has passed peer review, it becomes “indexed”, because it will now be sent to external databases such as PubMed. F1000Research articles are published online after an in-house pre-refereeing check, on average, within 7 days. Peer review and revisions are carried out publicly. Invited referees judge whether the work is scientifically sound. Articles with sufficient positive referee reports are indexed in PubMed.
REFEREE reports are public
Referee names are visible. View count shows how many people read the referee report This is what a referee report looks like. Referee reports on all papers are visible to anyone reading the article, and include the referee name. Referee reports can be cited independently of the article, and each have their own DOI. Author responses are visible as well. Referee reports and author comments are visible to anyone. Referee reports are citable with a DOI.
Benefits of transparent review
Visible discussion between referees and authors puts article in context. Referees can’t hide behind anonymity. Referees can take credit for their hard work and demonstrate experience as a reviewer. Studies suggest open refereeing improves quality of review. (See e.g. for supporting evidence) Aside from F1000Research, several journals now have various degrees of transparent peer review, where either the names of the referees or the referee reports (or both) are published with the paper. There are numerous benefits to open peer review – this list contains a few.
Different versions of the article are tracked
When an author updates their article in response to reviewer comments, they upload a new version.
Approved with reservations Not approved
Referee scores Approved Approved with reservations Not approved A referee can give an article one of three possible marks: Approved: on quick reading seems like properly done research. Approved with Reservations: similar to ‘major revisions’. Not Approved: if the science is unacceptably poor. These marks are linked to a version. When a new version is uploaded, reviewers can re-evaluate the new version. (If they don’t review the newly uploaded version, their previous score carries over.)
Indexed articles Articles with sufficient positive evaluations are indexed in PubMed, Scopus, and Embase. Articles that haven’t yet reached this threshold can always be revised and re-reviewed. or Minimal requirements for indexing These minimal requirements for indexing were developed in collaboration with PubMed. Indexed articles appear in PubMed and other databases. FAQ that may come up at this point: What happens if an article does not pass peer review? A: it stays up. You can cite it, the authors can update it. The comments of the reviewers are visible. If an article receives two negative referee reports, it will disappear from search results on the site, but in this case, the authors can also submit revised versions. It should be noted that this is a very rare occurrence, and has happened to fewer than 1% of articles. Only papers of which all referees think that it is not sound science will be hidden from view, and even then we encourage the authors to make required changes and submit a new and improved version. [Note to F1000 Specialists – if you get a complicated question about peer review or indexing that you can’t answer, please let us know and we will provide you with an answer. We’re also happy to get in touch directly with the person who asked the question, so you can offer to have F1000Research staff get back to them by . The most frequently asked question are also answered on our website, so you will probably find the answer there as well: ]
Citing F1000Research articles
Citations to F1000Research articles point to a particular version. Example citation: Spence J, Titov N, Johnston L et al. (2013) Internet-delivered eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (iEMDR): an open trial [v2; ref status: indexed, F1000Research 2013, 2:79 (doi: /f1000research.2-79.v2) If an article has been updated since it was cited, and readers land on an outdated version, a pop-up message on the article page makes readers aware that there is a newer version available:
Types of amendments Authors of an F1000Research article can always update their article, even after it has been indexed. Each version will be sent out to referees for peer review, and all versions of a paper are linked to each other. Amended papers have one of two possible labels: Authors responded to referee or community feedback and amended their article resulting in a new version. Authors updated the article following minor developments.(For example, papers about software can be updated when the software itself is updated.) [Note to F1000 Specialist: Some of the screenshots in this presentation show the orange “revised” button, so you can point that out as well.]
Besides post-publication peer review, F1000Research takes other approaches to make publishing as transparent as possible. One of these is the requirement that all papers include all data.
Data sharing improves reproducibility of research
“[W]e evaluated the replication of data analyses in 18 articles on microarray-based gene expression profiling published in Nature Genetics in 2005– We reproduced two analyses in principle and six partially or with some discrepancies; ten could not be reproduced. The main reason for failure to reproduce was data unavailability.” Ioannidis, J. P. A. et al. Repeatability of published microarray gene expression analyses. Nature Genetics 41, 149–55 (2009) F1000Research includes all underlying data with each article, and one of the reasons for this is to make it easier for others to replicate and validate the work. This is a quote from a study that analyzed a set of papers in Nature Genetics, and found that unavailability of data was to blame for unreplicable microarray experiments.
Why share your data? Reproduction/validation of research
Getting priority on the data (prove that you found it first) Testing additional hypotheses Teaching Integration with other data sets Increase efficiency, drive new knowledge discovery Funder requirement Academic credit There are other good reasons to make underlying research data available, including the following. [Note for F1000 Specialist: feel free to add your own personal reasons or anecdotes here!]
F1000Research requires all data to be included
All research articles published by F1000Research are accompanied by the data on which the reported results are based. “We’re not isolated. You work with everybody’s data, and that’s why you publish it: So you can make the results of your lab available to other people, so they can build on your studies.” Suzanne Scarlata – Stony Brook University F1000Research requires all data to be included with the article, and datasets are independently citable and downloadable. An exception will be made if sharing data would breach patient confidentiality, or other such restrictions.
Full data integration with research articles
Data are fully integrated into the articles.
Full data integration with research articles
Data sets within article are citable and downloadable. The results are embedded in the text of the article. F1000Research works with third-party repositories such as FigShare to host and display such datasets. This also allows data to be shared and cited independently of the paper. Making data re-usable in this way makes it easier for experiments to be reproduced and verified by others, so researchers can more easily build upon each others’ work.
article types and article collections
Finally, F1000Research accepts a wide variety of article formats.
Article types accepted by F1000Research
Research Articles Incl. Null/negative findings and replication/refutation findings Data Notes A dataset (or set of datasets) together with the associated methods/protocol Case Reports Method Articles Clinical Practice Articles Software Tools Observation Articles Research Notes Correspondence Opinion Articles Study Protocols Reviews Systematic Reviews
Article collections An F1000Research Article Collection relates to a specific community, institution, academic society or conference and can be personalized for the relevant community it serves, and cited as a whole. Article collections can be continuously updated.
General information
Article Processing Charges
Article type APC Data Notes; Case Reports; Correspondence US $250 Clinical Practice Articles; Software Tools; Observation Articles; Opinion Articles; Research Notes US $500 Research Articles; Method Articles; Study Protocols; Reviews; Systematic Reviews US $1000 Regular Discounts 50% discount on APCs for referees (within 12 months after refereeing) 20% discount for articles that are part of an Article Collection 10% discount for subscribers (personal or via institute) to F1000Prime Institutional agreements available HINARI/AGORA waivers for low-income countries
Why Publish with F1000Research?
Immediate publication F1000Research uses an author-led process, publishing all scientific research within a few days. Open, invited peer review is conducted after publication, focusing on scientific soundness rather than novelty or impact. Transparent refereeing Signed referee reports and author responses are published alongside each article. No editorial bias F1000Research encourages the publication of all findings, including null/negative results, small findings, case reports, data notes and observation articles. Data included All research articles are accompanied by the data on which the reported results are based.
F1000Research blog News from the journal
Discussions about open access, open science, and peer review Interviews with scientists
Follow F1000research @F1000Research
F1000 specialists F1000 Specialists - a global network of science communication enthusiasts helping to develop innovative publishing tools and educate life science researchers about novel tools from F1000. To find out more and to apply visit
Other services from F1000
f1000posters F1000Posters ( is a unique open access repository for posters and slide presentations in biology and medicine. This permanent, structured environment keeps researchers’ work visible long after a meeting has ended and maximizes the return on the time, effort and money invested in creating each presentation. Free to access and free to deposit Visibility for your research beyond scientific meetings Enables peers to provide feedback on early work The majority of leading publishers do not consider posters deposited in F1000Posters to be prior publication, so you can still publish the work as a paper. See:
f1000Prime F1000Prime ( is a literature discovery service highlighting the best research articles in biology and medicine. Our Faculty of over 6,000 expert scientists and clinical researchers, assisted by their associates, recommend the top articles in over 40 disciplines Articles are rated and expert commentaries explain their importance. On average, 1,500 new recommendations are contributed by the Faculty each month.
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