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6th Grade Assignments T1 Week 1.

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1 6th Grade Assignments T1 Week 1

2 6th Grade Independent Study Assignments T1Week1 Due September 9th
Name__________ Total Work Completed: _______% Help: (1-3) *No Messages Please Physical Education Assignments: ______P.E. Log (230 Minutes) 5 PE Credits Due November 15th Grade__________ TW____________%

3 Math Ch. 1 Lesson 1 Evaluate Algebraic Expressions-Pg. 6
Writing Algebraic Expressions-Pg. 10

4 Math Assignments: __________Do lessons 1-1, 1-2 and 1-3. __________________(P.S) __________Ch.1 Lesson 1 Quest. Pg. 8 __________Ch. 1 Lesson 2 Questions Pgs __________Ch. 1 Lesson 3 Questions Pg. 16 __________Homework and Practice Workbook Lessons 1-1 and 1-2 and 1-3 Grade_________ TW___________% Objectives: -Students will substitute variables correctly in algebraic expressions -Students will translate between algebraic expressions and word phrases

5 6th Grade Language Arts Chapter 1
How can discovering a tough truth help you gain a better understanding of who you are as a person?

6 The tough truth for me…

7 Just Once Pg. 14 Character Conflict Bryan “the Moose”…
Dream….carrying the football as the quarterback Doesn’t like getting hit

8 Vocabulary Plot Setting Conflict Resolution Devastating Nurturing
Anonlymous Tolerant ponder

9 Purpose Why are you reading this? What should you learn from it?
To learn how conflict makes stories/movies more interesting

10 Language Arts T1-Week 1 Objectives: Students will….
Be able to use selection vocabulary words in a cloze activity (Lang. Objective) Analyze the structural elements of plot Understand how conflicts are Be able to identify and correctly use Be able to use textbook

11 Into (Strategic Students) ____Fluency Builder Activities (3 per week administered by parent)
Through (All Students) ____Read “Just Once” Pgs Do Focus Questions A-M. ____Reader-Writer Notebook Activities for “Just Once…” ____Literature Response Pg. 23 ____Workbook Packet ____Dream Essay (Portfolio Pre) Study for Just Once Test (To Be Done in Class) Beyond (Advanced and Extra Credit) ____Read a novel of your choice. Complete book report at end ____Read Novel…Secret Garden” Complete book report at end

12 Start the year right! Packet-To return To give to Guardians…
Packet for work Technology Use Insurance??? Return to me if you have insurance Emergency Card Grade and Attendance PPT PE Starts Oct. 1 Put on Post It Schedule All tutoring starts Oct. 1 Calendar Min. Days

13 -Students will how science is a part of their everyday lives
Earth Science Objectives: -Students will understand how scientists use the scientific method to conduct experiments -Students will how science is a part of their everyday lives

14 Earth Science Unit Intro Note Taking Book Walk Related topics
What you know Title 2 Columns Terms Left-Blue Headings Right-Details

15 Earth Science Assignments: Into/Through
_____Read Ch. 1 Lesson 1. Take Cornell Notes. _____Do Ch. 1 Lesson 1 Questions Pg. 9 _____Unit Intro Worksheet _____Read Volcano Scientist Pg 18. Do Questions pg. 19 Grade__________ TW___________% Beyond: -Find an experiment online that you would like to do as homework. Bring to class. _Watch “How the Earth Was Made” on TV-Summarize

16 World History Objectives:
-Students will summarize the key points in the development of the earliest human societies -Students will describe the way of life of the hunter-gatherer -Students will trace the origin of early man’s tools

17 Geography Review The World Pretest in pencil Map in Textbook
Continent Review Test next week

18 Answers

19 Chapter 2 Lesson 1- Early Man
Vocabulary- Pg. 51

20 Life Science Assignments: Into/Through
_____Read Ch. 2 Lesson 1. Take Cornell Notes. _____Do Ch. 2 Lesson 1 Questions Pg. 55 _____Workbook 2-1 _____The World Map Review Worksheet Grade__________ TW___________% Beyond: -Make a diorama of a prehistoric man cave

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