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The development of Banking versus the ICT world

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1 The development of Banking versus the ICT world


3 Introduction Rob van der Sanden RIC International Consulting
Netherlands citizen Managing director of RIC International Consulting Senior Business Consultant 10 Years ICT management in ING bank Advising for PUM Netherlands Non profit org. from Dutch government

4 The Western Banking History
One of the first banks was founded by the VOC in The first multi-national organization. The Dutch business society around Amsterdam started with funding the vessels and trade of the VOC.

5 The Western Banking History
Therefore a strong financial institution fundament was needed. The funding was done by putting shares on the market. (first in the world)

6 The Western banking Since that time, the banking sector was growing very strong in the Western countries. The banks were just servicing the Business and Governmental organizations. The difference in interest (%) between incoming and outgoing money was the profit for the bank This profit was used to strengthen the bank capital and for the benefit of the share holders.

7 The Western banking In the late 1950th, the USA banks started to develop new risky products. These so called capital and investment bankers, where no longer interested in the “normal” way of banking.

8 The Western banking Only shareholders value and interest became important. The stakeholders value and business was less important. The effects of these risk full products and methods are now influencing the complete Western world.

9 The Islamic banking In the Islamic world, trading and funding was not yet organized like the capitalistic banking system in the Western world. Mostly, goods were traded against goods. (barter)

10 The Islamic banking Money banks as a value chain between banking services and trade became later. The Islamic banking concept is based on the Syariah, so the rules differ much from the Western banking system.

11 The Islamic banking The development of the Islamic World is growing very fast. The need for Islamic banking products and services is also growing fast.

12 The Islamic banking 80% of the Muslim population is living in the Middle and Far East region, the Northern African and the Balkan region.

13 The Islamic banking 20% in the Metro poles in Europe and the USA, like London, Paris, and New York.

14 The Islamic banking The need of the Islamic banking services creates new product developments, based on the Sharia. As the development of the ICT started in the 50th. in the USA, now the Banking sector is totally industrialized. Also the new Islamic banking environment is asking for dedicated ICT banking services.

15 The Islamic banking Today, the Islamic world is looking for professional Islamic banking products. Many software developers are interested in this enormous growing market. Most of the programs are however not totally integrated in the Islamic system of banking. The Gartner research Institute (USA) did a study about this issue and made a shortlist of the top 10 software companies in Islamic banking.

16 The Islamic banking Still many banks in the Islamic world are not yet aware of the fact that the use of ICT is of great importance for the banking services. The start with new ITC banking services will bring more business. The system developers of Islamic banking software are nearby, like India, Bangladesh and other countries. (See the Gartner review)

17 The development of the ICT World
The ICT world started booming from the 1960th. Before this time, most of the administrative work was done by hand or machine writing From this time on, the Air conditioned Mainframes took over the capacity of calculation power. Army, Universities, Industrial and Banking companies used these enormous computers, of which the investments where more than 10 million USD.

18 The development of the ICT World
Also the telephone communication evaluated from expensive landline connections to fast and lower cost mobile connections. The Old Telco’s have to compete with the smaller but faster ISP’s, who can offer quality for money.

19 The development of the ICT World
On from the 70th, the PC’s with Windows and Mac’s software conquered the world. In business and private domain, the desktop and laptop PC’s became normal.

20 The development of the ICT World
The internet started with the first content companies like powerful Social networks and interest groups. A billion dollar industry is born

21 The development of the ICT World
In this modern era, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a bare necessity for almost all the government, commercial and development organizations. It is unthinkable to run any professional organization without ICT support.

22 The ICT world versus Islamic banking
The competition in the Western world for Islamic banking modules within the banks will probably be won by Western software companies. For the rest of the Islamic world, Islamic software developers, will meet the challenge to win this competition. Insha'Allah (إن شاء الله)

Best Regards from ROB VAN DER SANDEN

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