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Presentation on theme: "THE AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION"— Presentation transcript:


2 Peasants in the Middle Ages used communal farming
Farmers used this system for hundreds of years It involved subsistence farming - meaning farmers grew enough to feed themselves They used a three field-system (2 planted; 1 left fallow or empty)


4 Three-Field System Barley Oats Fallow

5 Advantages and disadvantages to this communal system
People worked together No one was given an unfair advantage Created a sense of community Disadvantages: Did not encourage experimental farming Inefficient crop production

6 Dutch & English farmers help create the Agricultural Revolution by introducing the following changes: Fertilizer is used to renew soil The use of soil mixing resulted in higher crop yields Crop rotation produced larger crops & restored overused soil Jethro Tull developed the seed drill (helped to eliminate seed waste) Horse Collar Farmers develop journals to educate others

7 Seed Drill Almanac Horse Collar

8 Crop Rotation Field 2 Field 1 Oats Barley Manor House Field 4 Field 3
Turnips Field 3 Clover

9 The changes in farming resulted in factors that contributed to the Industrial Revolution
The Enclosure Movement This involved nobles taking over the smaller tracts of land to create larger fields. Results: Increased production & profits Large land owners controlled more land & became richer Fewer workers needed – farmers lose jobs & land Farmers become labor supply for the Industrial Revolution

10 The changes in farming resulted in factors that contributed to the Industrial Revolution
2. Population explosion Immediate reasons: better food production, reduced famine & people eating better and healthier Long term reasons: better hygiene and sanitation improved medical care lower death rate

11 The changes in farming resulted in factors that contributed to the Industrial Revolution
3. The population explosion increases demand for manufactured goods More people meant an increased demand for more shirts, more shoes, more pants, and etc. This demand created opportunities to make a lot of money supplying these goods

12 New technology encouraged the Industrial Revolution
New sources of energy: Coal Watermills Windmills James Watt & the development of the steam engine Improved iron was used in machines, steam engines & railroads


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