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2 New Directions in Historical Linguistics, Lyon, 14 May 2008 A New Direction at the ESF EuroBABEL: Better Analyses Based on Endangered Languages Eva Hoogland New Directions in Historical Linguistics Lyon, 14 May 2008

3 New Directions in Historical Linguistics, Lyon, 14 May 2008 EuroBABEL A new EUROCORES Programme Deadline Outline Proposals: 20 May 2008 Guiding idea: Let endangered languages change linguistics and our ideas about language, culture and cognition

4 EuroBABEL - Fact 1 majority of the worlds 6000 languages, both spoken and signed, are disappearing or becoming more like the languages of wider communication New Directions in Historical Linguistics, Lyon, 14 May 2008

5 Thus our ideas about language are based on a small subset of the worlds languages and our ideas about what is common and what is rare are heavily biased New Directions in Historical Linguistics, Lyon, 14 May 2008

6 Languages with evidentiality New Directions in Historical Linguistics, Lyon, 14 May 2008

7 Languages with no prepositions or postpositions New Directions in Historical Linguistics, Lyon, 14 May 2008

8 EuroBABEL - Fact 2: Several recent documentation initiatives have produced new data, e.g.: –Volkswagen-DoBeS (Germany) –NSF/NEH DEL project (USA) –HRELP at SOAS (UK) –NWO programme (Netherlands) –… But these data have not yet had sufficient influence on our thinking about language New Directions in Historical Linguistics, Lyon, 14 May 2008

9 EuroBABEL is different by creating a framework for collaboration and integration of theory into primary data analysis bringing the newly gathered data to bear on the development of linguistic theory and all areas concerned with the study of language, i.e., the role of language in human society and history. New Directions in Historical Linguistics, Lyon, 14 May 2008

10 New Directions in Historical Linguistics, Lyon, 14 May 2008 EuroBABEL – Topic Areas I.Linguistic theory and endangered languages II.Innovative approaches to creating descriptive resources for endangered languages III.Language, cognition and social organisation in a cross-linguistic perspective Ideally, projects will build upon existing data sets, which may include archival material, combined with new fieldwork on the language(s) in question.

11 New Directions in Historical Linguistics, Lyon, 14 May 2008 EuroBABEL Practicalities Participating countries: Austria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovenia, Switzerland, Turkey, UK and US Deadline Outline Proposals: Tuesday 20 May 2008


13 New Directions in Historical Linguistics, Lyon, 14 May 2008 Part 1: About the European Science Foundation

14 New Directions in Historical Linguistics, Lyon, 14 May 2008 About ESF 80 Member Organisations (MOs) in 30 countries, beyond the European Union. oResearch funding organisations oResearch performing organisations oAcademies

15 New Directions in Historical Linguistics, Lyon, 14 May 2008 About ESF Established 1974 Independent, non-governmental Offices in Strasbourg and Brussels Budget: 45M Networking Budget: 1-3B Covering all research domains

16 New Directions in Historical Linguistics, Lyon, 14 May 2008 Part 2: About EUROCORES

17 fragmented research strengths new, integrated knowledge Funding agencies join forces to support cutting edge collaborative research on complex / broad questions Responsive mode Bottom-up, researcher-led identification of themes Consultation with funders Combines researchers needs and strategic priorities Create critical mass in a global context: New approaches, new collaborations, new knowledge EUROCORES Vision Complementary to national research programmes and EC framework programme New Directions in Historical Linguistics, Lyon, 14 May 2008

18 New Directions in Historical Linguistics, Lyon, 14 May 2008 What are EUROCORES? European Collaborative Research Programmes are researcher-led research co-operations - for all areas of research - that create the critical mass of top-scientists necessary to tackle complex scientific questions. First testing ground for the possibilities of - and problems - with joining national funding mechanisms at the European level. Response to urgent need for harmonised and robust instruments and procedures for the coordination of joint activities of national research organisations, complementing EC FP and national programmes.

19 New Directions in Historical Linguistics, Lyon, 14 May 2008 EUROCORES - Main Features Multi-national research projects (research groups from at least 3 different participating countries ) European competition Funding remains national ESF ensures quality control Provides flexible framework for collaboration of national funding agencies Investigator driven A Eurocores programme typically involves 8-20 participating countries a research budget of 5-12 M A running time of 3-4 years

20 New Directions in Historical Linguistics, Lyon, 14 May 2008 EUROCORES - Where are we now? Ca. 200 programme proposals submitted Ca. 40 programmes selected Ca. 8.000 applications of Collaborative Research teams (CRPs) Ca. 200 M funding Ca. 70 funding organisations from ca. 35 countries, within and outside Europe

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