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Price relations and integration between the markets of vegetables and fruit Within the framework of analysis of the relations between price and integration.

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1 Price relations and integration between the markets of vegetables and fruit
Within the framework of analysis of the relations between price and integration markets vegetables and fruit crops could arrange vegetables according to the percentage of the markets that have shown the existence of relations between price as follows:   Imported potatoes, Cantaloupe, potatoes local, local tomatoes, melons, option, local onions, tomatoes imported Finally onion importer. In terms of the presence of a perfect integration between the markets of imported potatoes came to the fore, followed by tomatoes and potatoes imported and local Melon and onion and then the local option. It notes the absence of a full integration between any of the local markets tomatoes and onions imported melons. As for the fruit crops can be arranged in accordance with the moral relations between the market price, it comes Apricot crop importer in the order followed by grapes imported surges diabetes and then imported oranges and dates sorts of salvation then classified Albrahi. It notes the lack of full integration in any of the markets Apricot importer and dates and the type of diabetes type Albrahi. It also notes the existence of a perfect integration in the five pairs of markets oranges imported couple of markets dates classified salvation, and one pair of imported grape markets.

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