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Responsibility: Take it!

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1 Responsibility: Take it!
Reflection week beginning 27th February 2017

2 Taking responsibility for ourselves..
Watch the clip. So…what was the problem?! Do you find yourself doing this sometimes when work gets a bit difficult or challenging?

3 Using our talents There is a parable (story with a meaning) that tells of a master giving his servant various amounts of money to put to work whilst he is away on tour. When he arrives back, he asks his servants for his money back…expecting some interest on his investment. The first two servants have invested or put the money to work, and return it to the master with interest. They are thanked and rewarded. The last man admits that he hid the money because he was afraid of his master.

4 Using our talents He has earned nothing on it, so the master takes away the original amount, and gives it to the others. A harsh story in some respects, but a reminder that we need to take responsibility for the gifts, talents, and education we have been given, and make them work for us and for others.

5 To think about…or pray Stop making excuses, Putting it off, Complaining about it, Dreaming about it, Believing you can’t, Worrying if you can, Waiting until you’re older, braver or all around better. Suck it up Hold on tight Say a prayer, make a plan &

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