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Stomach Anatomy and Activity

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1 Stomach Anatomy and Activity
Cells of the Mucosa Chemical Digestion Control of Digestion Be able to discuss the function of the major cell types found in the stomach. Be able to discuss how pepsins and acid interact to promote protein digestion. Be able to discuss how the three stages of controlling the stomach including excitatory and inhibitory effects. Handout: Reflexes in the Stomach (in class) Marieb: 23 1

2 Layers of the Stomach: Mucosa
Gastric Pits 2

3 Gastric Pits Produce Stomach Acid
Depths are lined with specialized cells 3

4 Parietal (Oxyntic) Cells
HCl Intrinsic Factor (needed for B12 absorption) Decrease pH

5 Acids Denature Proteins

6 Gastric Juice Production
3L/Day G Cells Gastrin Gastrin Inhibitors 6

7 Mucus Protects the Mucosa
Superficial Epithelial Cells Bicarbonate (HCO3-) Absorbs protons (H2CO3) 7

8 Protein Digestion in the Stomach
Denaturation Pepsin Rennin

9 Aka Zymogenic Cells Produces Pepsinogen Chief Cells

10 Pepsinogen  Pepsin Requires H+ Pepsin can activate Pepsinogen
Pepsin most efficient pH 10

11 Precursor Cells Replenish the Epithelium
Stem Cells Stomach surface replaced every 3-6 days 11

12 Controlling Gastric Juice Levels
1. Cephalic 2. Gastric 3. Intestinal 12

13 Phase 1: Cephalic or Reflex Phase
1”-5” before food enters stomach Small gastric acid release + Taste, thought of food - Low appetite, depression, Ghrelin

14 Phase 2: Gastric ENS, G Cells 3-4’, 2/3 of Gastric acid + Proteins
Increase pH Distension - Too low pH

15 Proteins Change pH 15

16 Phase 3: Intestinal Phase (Mostly Inhibitory)
Too much acid, protein, fats Gastrin Inhibitors CCK Secretin 16

17 Phase 3: Intestinal Phase (Mostly Inhibitory)
Distention of SI Pyloric sphincter closes 17

18 Mechanical Digestion and Distension
Cyclic Slow Waves: 3/minute Stronger with distension Stronger as you move distally through stomach

19 Pyloric Region: The Stomach’s Blender
Pyloric antrum Stomach 30ml  SI SI 27ml Stomach Net 3ml/contraction 19

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