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Introduction to Linguistics

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1 Introduction to Linguistics
Ms. Suha Jawabreh Lecture 17

2 The Components of Language
1. Sounds – Phonetics and Phonology 2. Words – Morphology 3. Phrases and sentences- Syntax 4. Meaning- Semantics and Pragmatics

3 What is Grammar? Grammar is a set of rules that govern the composition of words, phrases and clauses.

4 -If we have the three words : boys, lucky and the , grammar will allow us to have :
The lucky boys -This phrase would be referred to as grammatical. However , the following combinations of words are referred to as ungrammatical. *Boys the lucky *lucky boys the

5 What are the types of grammar?
1. Mental grammar: -Mental grammar describes how speakers produce and understand linguistic expressions. This grammar is sub-conscious and not the result of any teaching. Psychologists study this type of grammar.

6 2. Proper grammar -This type of grammar involves what would be considered as ‘ linguistic etiquette’. It identifies what best structures to be used in a language. Sociolinguists study this type of grammar.

7 3. Language grammar -It involves the study and analysis of the structures found in a language. Linguists study this type of grammar

8 Language Grammar There are two approaches which were used in grammatical description : 1. The prescriptive approach 2. The descriptive approach

9 Prescriptive approach
It involves labelling the grammatical categories in sentences ( traditional grammar) It sets out rules for the correct or ‘proper’ use of a languge.

10 Traditional Grammar In traditional grammar, many traditional terms are used in a grammatical description: Examples: Parts of speech , number, person , tense, voice, gender (natural gender & grammatical gender)

11 Prescriptive rules In this approach , grammarians decide what the correct use of language, not speakers of the language. Examples of prescriptive rules: You must not split an infinitive. *to slowly drive b. You must not end a sentence with a preposition. *This is the girl I gave the book to.

12 Other examples that would be considered ‘improper’ to prescriptive grammarians: * Mary runs faster than me *Who did you see?

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