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Physical Education Lesson Plan

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1 Physical Education Lesson Plan
Casey Roehrich Casey Fowler Jennifer Cobb

2 INTASC Standard, Description, and Rationale
Standard #7:Planning for Instruction The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context. Description: For this assignment, we have developed a physical education lesson plan that documents the steps we will utilize as an educator when teaching a physical activity to my students. In this lesson plan, we included state standards, goals/objectives, materials needed and method of instruction. Within the method of instruction, we detailed how the lesson will be introduced, demonstrated, practiced and assessed. Rationale: To document our understanding of Standard # 7, Planning for Instruction, we selected to include our Physical Education Lesson Plan because this assignment demonstrates our ability to plan a lesson plan for the students involving physical activity. This lesson plan also requires us to address different student’s abilities, while keeping the class on track and making sure that they understand the content being demonstrated. Our knowledge of the curriculum and content areas are demonstrated in this lesson planning, as well.

3 Standards  National Association for Sport and Physical Education Standard Standard 1: Students demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Indiana Physical Education Academic Standard Standard 3.1.1: Demonstrate mature fundamental locomotor and manipulative movement skills with variations.

4 Gallop and Slide Locomotor Skill Target grad Level: Third Grade Location: Gym Duration of Activity: 30 minutes

5 Safety Concerns Safe distance apart from one another Tripping hazards
Falling hazards Improper shoes Objects on floor around the activity

6 Preparation Before: obtain music & lesson plans
Day of: Have students sit in rows quietly where they can all see the teacher, spaced out enough that they will not be distracted by a neighbor. Explain that we are going to learn how to gallop properly and how to slide properly. Discuss with the students the importance of each. Demonstrate the activity thoroughly for the students while moving slow and explaining each action. Allow time for stretching before hand

7 Demonstration 5-8 minutes of demonstration
Step, close – Step with lead foot and bring other foot slightly behind lead leg (gallop), beside lead leg (slide) Elbows bent and in – keep elbows bent and close to sides of body Yee, ha, yee, ha- Repeat “yee, ha” verbally in a rhythmical patter (slow, quick). Then perform gallop or slide while saying “yee, ha) 5 minutes of practice/critique


9 Accommodations How to increase the difficulty? Add more trunk lean.
Squat while doing actions. How to decrease the difficulty? Very little to no arm use. No trunk lean. Eliminate leaving the floor on the gallop.

10 Gallop and Slide Student Objective: measurable – complete 10 gallops and 10 slides. (Be able to complete with slight inaccuracy) beginner for gallops- little use of arms, hands by sides of body. No trunk lean. Trail leg fails to remain behind and often contacts surface in front of lean leg. beginner for slide- little use of arms, hands by sides of body. No trunk lean. Trail leg fails to remain behind and often contacts surface in crossing over lead leg. observable how well their posture is, their leading with each leg and placement of arms.

11 Cool Down 5 minutes Allow students to pick a slow paced movement of their choice in order to slow their heart rate. Return to assigned rows to listen for further instruction.

12 Assessment Student Name____________ Gallop/ Slide Beginner
Intermediate Advanced Pro Tail Leg Way behind or swing in front before touching ground. Sometimes behind lead foot, sometimes beside. Stays behind lead foot. Always behind lead foot with good balance. Flight Unpredictable, very low to very high. Medium to high. Low. Efficiently low. Rhythm Uneven Sometimes uneven, sometimes even. Smooth and even. Extremely rhythmic and controlled. Student Name____________

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