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How the Kangaroo Got His Claws.

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Presentation on theme: "How the Kangaroo Got His Claws."— Presentation transcript:

1 How the Kangaroo Got His Claws.
A Dreamtime story written by 1M How the Kangaroo Got His Claws.

2 Long ago in the Dreamtime there lived a proud red kangaroo
Long ago in the Dreamtime there lived a proud red kangaroo. This Old man kangaroo had especially soft, tiny claws on the end of his big back feet

3 One day while trying to escape from a bold warrior, Old man Kangaroo tumbled into a deep chasm.

4 The Warrior threw his three-pronged weapon at Old Man Kangaroo as he lay in the bottom of the hole.

5 With an enormous leap Old man Kangaroo exploded out of the chasm.

6 He landed on the weapon and it became embedded in his foot.

7 That is why, ever since, Kangaroos have always had sharp, dangerous claws.


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