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Adoption of sectoral approach helps

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Presentation on theme: "Adoption of sectoral approach helps"— Presentation transcript:

1 Practical ways of reaching the informal economy workers in HIV programmes

2 Adoption of sectoral approach helps
Multiple options Mainstreaming HIV in programmes of Ministries of Labour/other ministries Interventions through NGOs Interventions through trade unions Corporate supply chain interventions or public private partnerships Adoption of sectoral approach helps

3 A Trade union-led intervention model amongst migrants in the construction sector in India

4 Construction sector- India
31 million engaged in the construction sector, 83% unskilled Construction engages migrant workers in large numbers, both intra state as well as inter-state

5 Stakeholders’ analysis
Rapid Assessment by ILO among construction workers, Panvel, Maharashtra, 2008 Mapping to identify sites/locations of migrant construction workers, origin and size Knowledge, Attitude, Behaviour and Practices (KABP) study among workers Stakeholders’ analysis

6 Key findings 59% construction workers are migrant (51% intra state, and rest inter-state) About 1/3 live away from families; highest at construction sites (67%) 2/3 of the migrant construction workers were men

7 Key findings Two-third locations had sex workers operating nearby Some women construction workers work as part-time sex workers in one-tenth of the locations More than half consumed alcohol

8 Major findings from the KABP study
Low knowledge of HIV transmission, STI and Prevention 25% reported casual sex with non regular partners; 25% did not use condom in the casual sex

9 Implementation model of the Nirman Mazdoor Sanghthana (NMS), a state level union:
Union organizes workers Registers workers in Construction Workers Welfare Board Facilitates access to health, insurance and welfare services Undertakes advocacy with builders Protects rights of workers

10 “We assure contractors that we don’t want to do unionization of workers. This will affect our work adversely. …We take the health and welfare approach. This makes contractors comfortable. We were even able to get their contribution in health camps,” - Madhukant Patharia, President NMS

11 Project intervention sites
Coverage 10,000 workers at 15 locations: 1. Six Nakas (Market places), 2. Six Construction sites; and 3. Three Bastis (workers’ colonies) 2 1 3

12 Features of the Project
Engagement of People Living with HIV as Out Reach Workers (ORW) and Peer Educators Referral linkages with government and private health care facilities. Setting up condom outlets Builders contribution in heath camps/ Child Centers

13 Lessons Unions can facilitate access of workers to public health & labour department schemes The intervention is implemented within a broader framework of safety and rights Unions can get employer’s/contractor’s contribution in project’s activities HIV intervention also helps unions to organise the unorganised workers. Strong capacity building effort is needed for unions in the initial years but they can play a major role in national HIV/AIDS response.

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