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Time management The good news is the you’re the pilot! Michael Althsular The bad news is that time flies…..

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Presentation on theme: "Time management The good news is the you’re the pilot! Michael Althsular The bad news is that time flies….."— Presentation transcript:

1 Time management The good news is the you’re the pilot! Michael Althsular The bad news is that time flies…..

2 Why bother with time management? To minimise stress
To prevent disruption to our private lives To help minimise tiredness & fatigue To provide ourselves with the best chance of success

3 How do you spend your time each day ?
Did you have a go at the time management exercise on the webfolio ? Compare your day with the person next to you are there many differences ?

4 Managing your time as a student in HE
What are the new demands on your time as an HE student? e.g. It is recommended that you allow for at least 3 hours per module for out of class activities. How do you intend to meet this commitment ? Is time more difficult to manage now that you are a student in HE ? Why/Why not ?

5 Maximising your time Can you think of ‘bits’ of time in your day that you could use more productively now you are an undergraduate ? For example Reading in the bath

6 Procrastination What kinds of things to do you do to avoid getting on with your work ? e.g. twitter Can you think of any strategies to stop yourself wasting time?

7 Prioritise and Plan What Are the 3 Rules for Effective Time Management? Don't create impossible situations. Define priorities. Avoid distractions and lack of focus

8 Define Your Priorities Using the 3-List Method.
Draw this grid and begin to prioritise what you need to do for the next few days ……

9 List 1 - The weekly calendar
Create a weekly calendar. ( Use a glance at the week diary, or the planner on your phone/computer. List your courses, work, study time, recreation, meals, TV, relaxation, etc. Prioritise your university commitments e.g. classes. Try to build in study time for when you work best e.g. mornings. Be flexible and be prepared to adapt your schedule to changing needs. Keep your calendar handy and refer to it often. If it doesn't work, change it.

10 List 2 - The daily "Things to Do".
Write down all the things that you want or need to do on a daily basis. Note university stuff like coursework deadlines or OOCA activities, but also include personal things like shopping and making time to see friends, dentist appointments. This list is a reminder. Use it to set daily priorities and to reduce decision-making and worry. If time is tight, move items to your long-term list. Rewrite this list each morning. Use visualization to help you focus on what to do. This list is also a measure of your day-to-day success. Check off items as you finish them and praise yourself for each accomplishment.

11 List 3 - Goals and other things.
This can be one or two lists, a monthly list and or a long-term list. Put down your goals and things you have to do. What do you want to accomplish over the next month or year? What do you need to buy? Use this list to keep track of all your commitments. If you're worried about something, put it on this list. The purpose of this list is to develop long-term goals and to free your mind to concentrate on today.

12 Tips and hints Make or claim a study space for yourself
Organise the space so that you can quickly find what you need – e.g. folders/files Make more detailed to do lists, or mindmaps, short and long term, and tick off the tasks as you achieve them Publicise your study times and deadlines to friends and family – and stick to them !!! Anything else?

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