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Siemens Medical Systems

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Presentation on theme: "Siemens Medical Systems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Siemens Medical Systems
Computed Tomography (Postprocessing) Siemens Medical Systems

2 CT? - Yes, Scan Slice by Slice...

3 What we can do with the acquired volume data - Image Postprocessing
Spiral CT? - Yes, Scan an Entire Volume... What we can do with the acquired volume data - Image Postprocessing MPR Multiplanar Reconstruction SSD Shaded Surface Display MIP Maximum Intensity Projection VRT Volume Rendering Technique FT Fly Through *The information about this product is being provided for planning purposes only. The Image Fusion package is not yet commercially available in the U.S.

4 MPR - Multi Planar Reconstruction
2D reconstruction based on a volume, along a certain axis 2 1. Coronal 2. Sagittal 3. Paraxial 4. Irregular 3 1 4

5 MPR - Coronal & Sagittal
Coronal (Abdomen) Sagittal (Abdomen)

6 MPR - Paraxial & Irregular
Paraxial (Abdomen) Irregular (Abdomen)

7 MPR - Based on A Sagittal View
The postprocessed MPR images can also be used as a reference image. This is an irregular cutline based on a sagittal view of the lumbar spine.

8 MPR - Based on A Sagittal View
Paraxial cutline through a sagittal view to simulate gantry tilt with axial image quality

9 MPR - Based on A Coronal View
Axial cutline through a coronal view of lumbar spine

10 SSD Threshold

11 SSD 2D SSD bilde 3D dataset

12 SSD - Shaded Surface Display
SSD is a virtual 3-dimensional image. Thresholding determines which densities will be displayed. Grey values show the distance from the "screen" and give shadow effects Density information is lost 3D 2D

13 SSD with Different Thresholds
3D Face (threshold: -400 HU) 3D Head (threshold: 150 HU)

14 MIP The voxels with the highest value are selected
voxel with the highest attenuation

15 MIP 2D MIP image 3D dataset

16 MIP - Maximum Intensity Projection
The highest CT value in the viewing direction is presented in the 2D MIP images Density information is kept The bone structures which have higher intensities than the vessels make editing necessary You get a 3-dimensional effect when many MIP images around one axis are displayed in Cine mode

17 3D Edit Eliminate what you don’t want...
Just see what you want to see... Normal Axial Image Edited Image

18 VRT - Volume Rendering Technique
Mean value

19 VRT 2D VRT image 3D dataset

20 Color and transparent 3D display
VRT - Volume Rendering Technique Color and transparent 3D display Percentage HU Tissue 1 Tissue 2 Separate tissues via HU into different Brightness/Opacity/Color Overlay display of different organs

21 SSD & MIP SSD - no density difference MIP - density difference kept

22 MIP & MPR MIP - max. intensity kept , & 3 Dimensional
MPR - all intensities kept , & 2 Dimensional


24 SSD / MIP / VRT SSD Image: MIP Image: VRT Image: w/o density info
& superimposed MIP Image: w/ density info & superimposed VRT Image: w/ density info & transparent

25 Fly Through View anatomic structures from inside You are here

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