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Warrant Officer Strength Brief
WO Recruiting Warrant Officer Strength Brief CW3 Robyn Corbin Warrant Officer Strength Manager MAARNG Recruiting & Retention Battalion
What is a Warrant Officer? (new DA PAM 600-3 Definition)
WO Recruiting Definition of a Warrant Officer “Warrant officers are highly specialized officers. They are self-aware and adaptive combat leaders, trainers, staff officers, and advisors. Warrant officers are competent and confident warriors, innovative integrators of emerging technologies, dynamic teachers, and developers of specialized teams of soldiers…” “So what is a Warrant Officer?” Experts in their field, combat leaders, trainers, staff officers and advisors to commanders at all levels. Innovative integrators of emerging technologies… (Point out for later when talking about TWI on assignments slide) Technical expertise is very important. Don’t confuse the ability to perform at ones job as being the expert. They will become that senior subject matter experts on their specific program, system or piece of equipment. Rank wise: Warrant officers fall between the highest enlisted rank, and the lowest officer rank. A WO1 outranks a SGM and a CW5 is outranked by a 2LT. However you would not see a SGM work for a WO1 just as you would not see a CW5 work for a 2LT. They need to be willing to be “the new guy” for awhile when switching from NCO to officer. NEXT SLIDE… to illustrate what a WO is a little differently… WO1 – Basic level CW2 – Intermediate CW3 – Advanced CW4 – Senior CW5 – Master What is a Warrant Officer? (new DA PAM Definition)
Agenda WO Recruiting General Information What we are looking for
List of MAARNG Warrant Officer MOSs Administrative Requirements MOS Requirements Civilian Education Requirements Opportunities and Benefits Pay Comparison Path to Becoming a Warrant Officer Warrant Officer Candidate Schools
General Information Technical Aviator WO Recruiting
13 - Branches in MAARNG 25 - MOSs 1 - Branch 1 - MOS (To apply for) Any MOS/Rank can Apply Qualifying SIFT Score (40+) Usually SGT or higher Most require ALC Must meet experience requirements listed on the MOS pages of our website: Just some additional info and some additional requirements … WOs broken up into two main categories: technicians and aviators Brief Slide (a couple of facts about each) “In addition to the basic requirements you have to already have a certain level of technical expertise in your particular field. The prerequisite experience requirements are MOS dependent and are listed on our website listed down at the bottom of the slide.” Next Slide… WOs are further broken down into 40 occupational specialties… You can also look at he back of the LOI I have handed out… Aviator
What We are Looking For…
WO Recruiting What We are Looking For… Soldiers who are: Leaders Self Confident Dependable Technically/Tactically Proficient Ethical and Moral Decision Makers Self-Sufficient Mature Able to Grasp Complex Problems Mentally and Physically Strong Having what it takes… to become a WO is more than just meeting the Admin and technical requirements. Having what it takes means being that self confident leader that is technically and tactically proficient, that lives by the Army values, that are mature, self sufficient and can make a decision. Basically I’ve just described your go to NCO. That NCO that you know will have the answers or be able to handle a situation when others might not. This is who we’re looking for. That 7%er that would other wise, if they chose to stay an NCO, would be a SGM someday. These are the attribute typically found in any GOOD NCO. Most WOs come from the ranks of the NCO - they are selected because they have excelled in their career fields and as junior leaders. Mostly the soldiers that want to give something MORE to the Army. Ensure to write packets up that they want to give back to the Army not just take a bar, more pay and a salute from the Army. If I’ve just described YOU then these are some of the benefits that await you as an Army WO… NEXT SLIDE
MAARNG Available Specialties
WO Recruiting MAARNG Available Specialties 120A Construction Engineering Tech 12H, K, N, P, Q, R, T, W 131A Field Artillery Targeting Tech 13B, 13J, 13F, 13M, 13R, 11C, 11B or 19D 140A Command and Control Systems Tech 14E, 14G, 14H, 14P, 14S, 15P, 15Q or 29E 151A Aviation Maintenance Tech All CMF 15 MOS (Excluding 15P & 15Q) 153A Rotary Wing Aviator All MOSs 170A Cyber Operations Tech Preferred CMF 17, 25 and 35 MOS 180A Special Forces Warrant Officer All CMF 18 MOS 255A Information Services Tech All MOSs (Must have 4 years IT experience IAW prerequisites) 255N Network Management Tech All MOSs (Must have 4 years IT experience IAW prerequisites) 350F All Source Intelligence Tech 35F 351M Human Intelligence Collection Tech 35M
MAARNG Available Specialties
WO Recruiting MAARNG Available Specialties 420A Human Resources Tech A 420C Bandmaster All CMF 02 MOS's (ALL CMF 42R and 42S) 740A CBRN Tech D 882A Mobility Officer N, 88M, 88H 890A Ammunition Warrant Officer A, 89B, 89D 913A Armament Systems Maintenance Warrant Officer A, M, 91F, 91G 914A Allied Trades Warrant Officer E, X 915A Automotive Maintenance Warrant Officer A, B, H, M, P, S, X, 919A Engineer Equipment Maintenance Warrant Officer 91B, C, D, L, H, X, 91J
MAARNG Available Specialties
WO Recruiting MAARNG Available Specialties 920A Property Accounting Tech 92Y 920B Supply Systems Tech 92A, 68J 922A Food Service Tech 92G, 68M 923A Petroleum Systems Tech 92F, 92L, and 92W 948B Electronic Systems Maintenance Warrant Officer 94D, E, F, H, M, R, W, Y & Z (25S/with waiver only)
Technical Warrant Officer Administrative Requirements
WO Recruiting Technical Warrant Officer Administrative Requirements Age (18-46) Chapter 2 Commissioning Physical Meet Feeder MOS and Branch Specific Requirements Be a U.S. Citizen Pass APFT (No Waivers or Profiles) Meet Height and Weight Standards Security Clearance GT Score 110 or Higher HS Graduate or equivalent
Aviation Warrant Officer Requirements Administrative Requirements
WO Recruiting Aviation Warrant Officer Requirements Administrative Requirements Age 18-32 Flight Physical Any MOS may apply Be a U.S. Citizen SIFT with score of 40 or above Pass APFT (No Waivers or Profiles) Meet Height and Weight Standards Secret Security Clearance GT Score 110 or Higher HS Graduate or equivalent Must be an active member of the Massachusetts Army National Guard
MOS Requirements Must possess outstanding leadership traits
WO Recruiting MOS Requirements Must possess outstanding leadership traits 4-6 yrs experience in field All NCOER’s (no gaps) Letter of Recommendation from Company and Battalion Commander Letter of Recommendation from senior CW4-CW5, same MOS Documented civilian experience (performance evaluations, licenses, etc) Training certificates (DA 1059, DD 214, NGB 22, etc) Awards (MOS related) Pre-WOC Attendance
Civilian Education Requirements
WO Recruiting Civilian Education Requirements Civilian education requirements are MOS specific Applicants whose native language is not English must be tested and achieve a minimum raw score of 80 on the English Comprehension Level Test. Example: 420A requires a minimum of 30 semester hours from an accredited academic institution which includes at least six (6) semester hours of college level English (ENG).
Military Education & Time in Grade Requirements for Promotion
WO Recruiting Military Education & Time in Grade Requirements for Promotion Appointments: 2 Years TIG E7 w/ 2 Years TIG WOBC 4-5 Years TIG 5-6 Years TIG AODC & WOAC WOILE WOSSC During my briefing, I’ll discuss Technician WO: Aviation WO:
Based on January 2017 Pay Scale
WO Recruiting Base Pay Comparison $8,405 W5 $7,000.00 $491 $6,747 $6,776 $6,000.00 W4 E9 $5,605 $5,000.00 W3 $4,593 $5,114 $4,000.00 $4,387 W2 E8 $3,480 E7 $3,000.00 E6 $2,000.00 $1,000.00 ENL WO Comparison slide using NCO v. WO up to 20 years. Draw their attention to the snapshot. This is the initial base pay increase for completing WOCS. NEXT SLIDE $1, years TIS $1, years TIS $1, years TIS $1, years TIS Based on January 2017 Pay Scale Snapshot E-5 vs W1 at 6 years TIS = Approximate $911 E-6 vs W1 at 8 years TIS = Approximate $711 E-7 vs W1 at 10 years TIS = Approximate $356
Path to Becoming a WO Determined eligibility Interview with CCWO
WO Recruiting Path to Becoming a WO Determined eligibility Interview with CCWO Complete a Chapter 2 Commissioning Physical Submit WO Predetermination Packet (PDP) to WOSM Submit WO Predetermination Packet (PDP) to NGB Complete Fed Rec Board packet Appear in front of the Fed Rec Board Get pinned as a W.O.C. (Warrant Officer Candidate) Attend Pre-WOC Attend Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS)
Pre-WOCS Program Regional Training Institute (RTI), JBCC
WO Recruiting Pre-WOCS Program Regional Training Institute (RTI), JBCC Friday – Sunday MUTA 6 in Nov or Mar Training: IPFT Height and Weight Conduct a Briefing Land Navigation 4 Mile Ruck-March
Warrant Officer Candidate School
WO Recruiting Warrant Officer Candidate School WOCS Distance Learning Phase 1 (DL) WOCS Active Duty is located at Fort Rucker, Alabama Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS) Phase 2 (Resident) E5 graduated from BLC/WLC, and E6 and above = 4 weeks and 4 days E5 non-graduate from BLC/WLC and all E1 to E4 = 6 weeks and 4 days (Other services = 6 weeks and 4 days with exceptions) WOCS Reserve is located at the RTI and Camp Atterbury, IN 5 MUTA 5 Drills at RTI/JBCC 15 Days phase 3 at Camp Atterbury, IN Graduation = Appointment to WO1 You formal education begins at WOCS, Ft Rucker AL. About two months after selection, you will receive a letter from DA WO accessions branch with assignment instructions to attend WOCS in another 2-4 months (total about 4-6 months after selection). Of course, the timing of the letter and the school can vary and you should contact your personnel office if two months have passed and you haven’t heard anything. Aviators PCS to Ft Rucker for WOCs and flight school and have family travel entitlements. Probably don’t want to move family until after WOCS. CONUS techs go TDY and return to Ft Rucker, return to their home station, out-process as a WO1 and get PCS orders to their first WO assignment with TDY enrooted at the basic course. Family travel entitlements are to the first permanent duty station OCONUS techs PCS to their first WO assignment with TDY enrooted to Ft Rucker for WOCS and further TDY enrooted at their basic course before proceeding to their first WO assignment. Family travel entitlements are to the first permanent duty station Points about WOCS: Course is 6 weeks and 4 days which allows you a few days to get there and get ready for the course. Take care of personal matters before reporting to course. The WOCC website is mentioned on page 1 of your sample application and has very good information about the warrant officer corps and the WOCS such as packing lists, daily agenda, how to prepare, etc. Skill Enhancement Leadership Potential Self Discipline Attention to Detail Time Management Professional Development Leadership Communication Management Ethics
A Day in the Life of a Candidate
WO Recruiting A Day in the Life of a Candidate 0500: Wake Up 0530: First Formation 0530 – 0635: PT 0635 – 0730: Hygiene 0730 – 0815: Breakfast 0815 – 1230: Academics 1230 – 1330: Lunch 1330 – 1720: Academics 1730 – 1820: Admin 1805 – 1900: Dinner Day is pretty much the same as any NCOES school Get to wear Groovy T-shirts 1st Warrant Officer Company 1900 – 2245: Candidate Leadership Designs and Implements Schedule To Accomplish Specified Tasks 2245 – 0500: Lights Out
Where to Start… Contact the Warrant Officer Strength Manager (WOSM)
WO Recruiting Where to Start… Contact the Warrant Officer Strength Manager (WOSM) Visit USAREC site to determine your MOS requirements.
QUESTIONS? CW3 Robyn Corbin 339-202-9101
WO Recruiting QUESTIONS? CW3 Robyn Corbin
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