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Analytical Methods for Lawyers

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1 Analytical Methods for Lawyers
Finance Unit Last updated 01 Mar 07

2 Schedule Class Topic 3/1 Introduction Spreadsheet primer 3/6
TVM – future value Exercise 1 3/8 TVM – present value Exercise 2 3/20 Discount rate Exercise 3 3/22 ECMH Readings 3/27 Risk and return Exercise 4 3/29 Valuation – medical malpractice Group problem 1 4/3 Valuation – corporate appraisal Group problem 2

3 Why the firm?

4 Theory of the Firm Labor Capital Firm Supplies Equipment Land
Adam Smith “Wealth of Nations” Land

5 Why not contracting?

6 Theory of the Firm Capital Labor Entrepreneur Supplies Equipment Land
Ronald Coase “Nature of the Firm” Land

7 Theory of the Firm Capital Labor Entrepreneur Supplies Equipment Land
Ronald Coase “Nature of the Firm” Land

8 What is the modern public corporation?

9 Separation of ownership/control
Entrepreneurs (capitalist managers) Labor Capital Supplies Equipment Adolf Berle & Gardiner Means Land

10 Separation of ownership/control
Professional managers Capital (diffuse public ownership) Labor Supplies Equipment Adolf Berle & Gardiner Means Land

11 What is ideal ownership – debt or equity?

12 Optimal debt-equity mix
Managers Equity Labor Debt Franco Modigliani & Merton Miller “Cost of Capital” Supplies Equipment Land

13 Optimal debt/equity mix
Priority Fixed rate of return Net Assets Debt Optimal debt/equity? Equity Equity: Voting control Residual returns

14 Optimal debt/equity mix
Less debt: Large equity cushion Lower risk  lower cost Net Assets Debt Equity Optimal debt/equity? More equity: Low leverage Lower returns  higher cost

15 Optimal debt/equity mix
More debt: Small equity cushion Higher risk  higher cost Net Assets Debt Optimal debt/equity? Equity Less equity: High leverage High returns  lower cost

16 Average cost of capital
Modigliani & Miller Return on Assets Cost of debt Cost of equity Average cost of capital High D/E (90/10) 15% 14% 24% Mid D/E (50/50) 10% 20% Low D/E (10/90) 6% 16%

17 Average cost of capital
Modigliani & Miller Return on Assets Cost of debt Cost of equity Average cost of capital High D/E (90/10) 15% 14% 24% Mid D/E (50/50) 10% 20% Low D/E (10/90) 6% 16%

18 Average cost of capital
Modigliani & Miller Return on Assets Cost of debt Cost of equity Average cost of capital High D/E (90/10) 15% 14% 24% Mid D/E (50/50) 10% 20% Low D/E (10/90) 6% 16%

19 Average cost of capital
Modigliani & Miller Return on Assets Cost of debt Cost of equity Average cost of capital High D/E (90/10) 15% 14% 24% 15%* Mid D/E (50/50) 10% 20% Low D/E (10/90) 6% 16% * Interest is deductible (debt subsidized by govt)

20 How unify ownership and management?

21 “Managerial Behavior”
Leveraged firm Managers Outside debt Inside equity Labor Michael Jensen & William Meckling “Managerial Behavior” Supplies Equipment Land


23 END

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