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Deforming Objects CGDD 4113 Jeff Chastine.

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Presentation on theme: "Deforming Objects CGDD 4113 Jeff Chastine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deforming Objects CGDD 4113 Jeff Chastine

2 It always starts with a primitive…
Right-click on the object Select Vertex Vertex Face Object Mode Highlight and then Translate Rotate Scale Etc…

3 For example

4 Soft selection Double- click Look here

5 Soft Selection (rotating the selection)

6 Extruding Use the Polygon main menu, then Edit Mesh
Often only extrude one face at a time Example: plane->box Edit Mesh->Keep Faces Together

7 Insert Edge loop Good way to subdivide polygon surfaces
Edit Mesh->Insert Edge Loop Tool Drag on an edge Works on all outer edges

8 Split Polygon Edit Mesh -> Split Polygon Creates additional faces

9 Bevel VS. Chamfer Select a Face or edge
Edit Mesh -> Bevel or Edit Mesh -> Chamfer

10 Poke Face (can pull too)
Edit Mesh -> Poke Face Creates new faces in the process!

11 Deformers Sine Lattice Squash
Can assign different deformers to meshes, such as: Lattice Sine Squash Flare Twist Use Deformation tab Sine Lattice Squash

12 Duplicating Same as Copy and Paste (CTRL-C and CTRL-V)
New copy is in the exact location of original, so move it!

13 Edit Mesh-> 760 triangles 374 triangles 180 triangles For gamers
Reduce Triangulate 760 triangles 374 triangles 180 triangles

14 In case you were wondering…
18 triangles

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