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Credit Card Basics & Card Policy Violations

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Presentation on theme: "Credit Card Basics & Card Policy Violations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Credit Card Basics & Card Policy Violations

2 Session Goals Greater understanding of the different types of functionality Top card policy violations seen in Procurement

3 Types of Credit Cards Procurement Travel Procurement & Travel
Declining Balance

4 Procurement Card Everyday purchases allowed
Office, lab and classroom supplies Memberships – Dues No single purchase over $5,000 allowed (These purchases go through Procurement Services)

5 Travel Card Travel purchases allowed (no other type of purchase)
Baggage Fees Seat selection Gas for Rental Car

6 Procurement & Travel Card
Allows every day purchasing (Office, Lab, Classroom Supplies Etc.) Travel purchases allowed Default limits No split charges

7 Declining Balance Card
Set dollar amount Cash withdrawal allowed Expiration date of funds

8 Universal Truths All Cards Have Limits
All Purchases Over $5,000 Go Through Procurement Services Only Declining Balance Cards Are Allowed Cash Advances All UD Credit Cards Have A PIN

9 UD Credit Card Policy 5-22 Policy 5-22 includes Appropriate Card Usage
Responsibilities and Roles Pertaining to Approval and Allocation How to Handle Fraud/Disputes

10 Appropriate Card Usage
Must not be used for personal or non-university purposes Only cardholder whose name is embossed on the credit card is authorized to use the card. Cannot split the charges to fit the card limit Must obtain support documentation from vendor for all transactions $25.00 and over.

11 Responsibilities and Roles Pertaining to Approval and Allocation
Cardholder is responsible for verifying all transactions against support documentation Verify transactions in online system personally or through proxy (30 Days - Sign off) After transactions are checked and cardholder sign off is complete. All receipts and support documentation should be forwarded to the department’s card administrator.

12 Fraud/Disputes Fraud Charges should be reported to the bank at
and current card closed Disputed charge should be resolved with merchant (30 Days) Unresolved charges 30 Days or over dispute with bank (60 Days) Nature of dispute and final resolution should be noted and retained as supporting documentation for charge

13 Important Definitions
Supporting Documentation – Merchant produced document that shows quantities, amounts, dates, participants and description of what was purchased. Proxy – Individual designated by the cardholder or department who preforms all of the cardholder’s administrative functions. Transaction/Charge Limit (Single Purchase Limit) – The total dollar amount allowed for any single transaction made by the cardholder. Monthly Spending Limit (Cycle Limit) – The total dollar amount assigned to the cardholder for all charges made during each monthly billing cycle.

14 Which of the following would Constitute a Card Policy Violation?
Splitting a transaction Buying lab supplies at the end of the month Using a detailed packing slip for supporting documentation

15 What type of card allows you to withdraw cash?
Purchasing Travel Purchasing & Travel Declining Balance Card

16 What is the transaction/charge limit?
The total amount you can spend in a billing period. The amount you can spent on one purchase. The amount you can spend in a single day.

17 Questions? Kathy Roeder 831-2159
Margot Martin

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