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Section I Open Your Ears

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Presentation on theme: "Section I Open Your Ears"— Presentation transcript:

1 Section I Open Your Ears
Listen to the passage twice and fill in the blanks with what you hear. And then discuss the pet-friendly restaurants with your partner.

2 Section I Open Your Ears
With the _______ and other violent crimes, drug-related crimes are ________ the most serious. Anyone ________ with illegal drugs, whether they make or use them, faces jail time and _____. Why? Because illegal drugs cause serious health problems and even death for those who use them. They also lead to other violent crimes, and so pose(造成) _______ to everyone’s safety. murder click click probably click involved click fines click threats

3 Section I Open Your Ears
In the U.S.A, each state and the federal government have laws against ________ use, possession, distribution or production of certain drugs. These include cocaine, heroin, marijuana (大麻)and amphetamines (安非他 命). The idea, of course, is to ______ illegal drug use and cut down drug-related crimes. click unlawful reduce click

4 Section I Open Your Ears
Laws on drug-related crimes vary from state to state, but in ________ most states follow the federal drug _________. State penalties usually match the federal scheme, too. However, it’s not __________ for states to have stiffer(更严厉的)penalties for making, selling or using certain drugs, and more lenient (宽大的)penalties for other drugs. click general click schedules uncommon click

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