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THE WORLD OF DREAMS “I do not believe that I am now dreaming, but I cannot prove that I am not.” Philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) Despite remembering.

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Presentation on theme: "THE WORLD OF DREAMS “I do not believe that I am now dreaming, but I cannot prove that I am not.” Philosopher Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) Despite remembering."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE WORLD OF DREAMS “I do not believe that I am now dreaming, but I cannot prove that I am not.” Philosopher Bertrand Russell ( ) Despite remembering those most fantastic and bizarre, most REM dreams involve the familiar details of life centered on and told from the perspective of our own coherent sense of self


3 THE WORLD OF DREAMS → dreams often mirror our previous days’ experiences and preoccupations; they may also often incorporate sensory stimuli experienced while dreaming into the dream story

4 THEORIES OF DREAMING Sigmund Freud’s wish-fulfillment theory proposed that dreams provide a psychic safety valve where people can satisfy their unconscious urges and unmet needs → Freud distinguished between the manifest content (the remembered plot) and the latent content (the hidden/disguised meaning of the plot)

5 THEORIES OF DREAMING → correctly interpreting dream symbolism was the key to understanding our inner conflicts, often stemming from childhood * Though generally still popularly embraced, Freud’s ideas have given way to other theories

6 THEORIES OF DREAMING Rosalind Cartwright’s cognitive problem-solving view suggests that dreams allow us to work out creative solutions to our real-life problems → sleep and dreams can enhance and reflect learning, but it is not proof we are solving our daily problems

7 THEORIES OF DREAMING J. Allan Hobson’s activation-synthesis model proposes that REM sleep triggers neural activity that evokes random visual memories, which our sleeping brain weaves into stories → critics point to the fact that we have dreams in NREM sleep and dreams are more meaningful than the model presumes

8 THEORIES OF DREAMING Other theories suggest dreams may help us sort out the day’s events and consolidate memories (information- processing) or they may simply serve the physiological function of regular brain stimulation, preserving neural pathways → dreams are up for grabs; all theories are still based on a mix of both scientific research and guesswork

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