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1 Final Presentation

2 My achievement or what I have done in the 1st semester ?
Something is

3 The most important things for me.
Formulate problems. Work with them. Define aim.

4 Problems and aim. My main problems are : (from general plan)
I know not enough words.  I make lots of mistakes in text (what I write.) My aim is : improve my language skills, speak English well and understand what people are talking about.

5 Films. what I saw . “psycho” “dune”

6 In the cinema.

7 Books, which I have read. “ TV “ by Roald Dahl and
“Little prince “, “ “ TV “ by Roald Dahl and “ it kills me “ by J D Sallinger and some texts from magazine.

8 After reading tasks, grammar bank, and other exercises,….
Part 7.1a) I can correct them then I know what I have done wrong. I can change some places in my model (when she is in some places wrong), because it is very important, that model work. It is also very important to understand how use model. Part 7 Evalution and Plans for Future. Learning b) Yes, mistakes what I cannot correct will be in my grammar bank. Part 7.2 all my mistakes. I am sorry, but not. I think my problem was with exercises where we must write sentences, which express the following meaning. Try to use the words,… My mark must be low. I am not satisfied with my work, but I feel I can it better. Part 7.3 I can see my result and the conclusion is that I have spent not enough time for grammar. I have done ::2.1 , 2.2, 2.7 ,3.2 , 3.3 , 3.5 , , 4.2 , 4.3 , 4.4 , 4.5 , 5.1 , 5.2 , 5.3 I haven’t really chosen I have done it step by step, all what we was speaking about,… I would choose the same to change my mistakes, but interesting will be another; it will be also more useful. No, I was working alone! I have only asking my PC and he has given me one web site. This have explained me some moments,… I have looked of my problems, I have worked with them so I have forgotten about my feelings and that I was frustrated,… Part 7.4 a)Why not ? It would be better I can work ones again ! But maybe it takes a better result? c) I would try again, it can happen that I can work more with my model and I will better understand what I have to do ,… Where or for what ? I have always done all tasks for school and spent time how possible, but main things I have done for myself. Therefore, some exercises can be better, then other. At school, I have listening very much and I think it was useful. Language:. For language, I have spent the main time. It was reading, after reading tasks, grammar,…. I have spent not much time, but enough. I don’t know something about my progress, but nothing will be simply lost, some knowledge’s will be, but I don’t noticed my result. Thinking : I don’t really understand what mean “thinking” so I will write in that way how I understand it. Thinking we have done more in the class, I think. Maybe it was some explanations about how is better do vocabulary work, system of tasks and something like this. Changes in next semester & What kind of changes? I think some will be, I will more understand what the teacher says, because in the first time I have not. I will correct my mistakes, and more work with my problems. In the next semester, we will be cleverer, because we have a little basic, some knowledge’s from 1st semester. But changes are always,… September I don’t really like because we have written the diagnostic test and my result was low, September wasn’t the best month because it was the first month when I was learning in your group. All things were unusual and new for me. From the beginning, it was difficult. October was month when I was very interested in. In November, I was lazy and haven’t spent for English much time. However, all is done, so it was enough. It is important how it was done, but not how much time I have spent it, or not? December is the shortest one and now in the middle. Question a couple of question are the way you were divided into groups Do you think it's a good idea that your own wish was the basis for dividing into groups? Why? 2. Do you think it would have been better if you had been divided into groups according to test results? 3. Do you think it is a good idea that A.Sokol's group is going to be much larger during semester 1? (Do you think I should have strictly limited the number of students from the very beginning?) Answer: 1. I think it is a good idea, because everyone can choose anything what he could reach and wish. Learning with pleasure is more effective. 2. In one way, it would be better, because people with low result can hider people who are better, but in the other way, it is interesting to learn with people when all are with different levels. It will bring more benefit them who have low result. 3. Speaking about PAST 1 Own task by Rita Ickoviča 10th form The train _____________(arrive) at Charing Cross Station late, by about ten minutes. Or, as they would say in the last carriage, dix minutes. It was the 7.20 from Tunbrige Wells, where, on Tuesday and Thursdays, a group of commutes gets together to learn French. Their teacher is Mrs. Marie Stoppard. She _____________ (hear) about the commuter study groups set by Learn and Ride and offered to help. She is French, and works for Dupont, the international company, and has been running courses in French since 1984. The first member of the group to get on the train is Colin Dearlove who lives in Tunbridge Wells. He puts a sticker on the window and cards on the table in the last carriage, asking other commuters to leave the seats for the study group. People are usually very understanding, he _____________ (say). Colin has studied another subjects on the train – German, history of art, and geology. He has been learning French in Mrs. Stoppards class for a year. So does Mrs Alice Lester, who works in the city. She has a change to try out what she has learnt, as she has relatives in France. She normally catches an earlier, but twice a week goes in later to join the class. Another member of the group, Bill Cunnigham, does the same. I like to use my time creatively, he _____________ (say). If I _____________ (do not) do this, I was bored. Elsewhere on the train, another group _____________ (has) been learning bridge, and on Wednesdays is a world affairs class. These have been set up by Mrs. Angela Ridly of Learn and Ride, with the approval of British Rail. Naturally I _____________ (ask) their permission, and they ____________ (say) they _____________(do not) mind at all. She hands out questionnaires asking what are people, and who might be prepared to offer their services as a teacher, and forms groups on the basic of the replies. She is hoping to have a class on business management. If enough people _____________ (have ask) for it, the class would have started on the 7.33 next month. Model for Past times (Simple, Continuous, Perfect) №formGroup 1Group 2Group 3____Action startedAction finishedAction lasting1Verb + «ed»YesnoYes2Was/were + verb «ing»YesYesno3Had + past participleYesnono

9 Why I am learning English. (aim)
for mark? for school? to stay here and talk ? No !!! for myself. Use knowledge's in real life,

10 Conclusion Not all what you can see outside you can see inside.

11 The end The end

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