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BGS History A2 Revision Tests The Move to Détente.

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1 BGS History A2 Revision Tests The Move to Détente

2 1) What was the “high point of Détente?”
The Apollo-Soyuz link-up

3 Both countries needed to reduce this risk
2) Why was the “fear of war” an important factor in bringing about Détente? Cuban Missile Crisis highlighted the danger of superpower confrontation- MAD Both countries needed to reduce this risk

4 USSR had achieved parity to a greater
3) What role did the Arms Race play in the USSR’s decision to pursue Détente? USSR had achieved parity to a greater degree in the Arms Race- this meant that Arms Limitation agreements would come from a position of strength, and stop the USA from pushing ahead with new technologies

5 4) What else caused the Soviet Union to pursue Détente? (3)
The need to stabilise their hold over Eastern Europe The Sino-Soviet split Economic problems facing the Politburo

6 5) What caused the USA to pursue Détente? (4)
The realisation that there were limits to its global power (Vietnam) Economic problems following Vietnam Felt more could be gained by negotiation rather than confrontation Reduce the influence of the powerful industrial-military complex

7 6) Why is it interesting that Nixon & Kissinger were the ones to pursue Détente?
Both were right-wing, and had established credentials as anti-communists

8 7) What were the European needs?
Instability from both sides of the Iron Curtain- strikes & demonstrations

9 8) What was “Ostpolitik”?
Opening up channels between East & West- pushed by Willy Brandt (West German leader)

10 9) What role did economic realities play to America? (2)
Oil Crisis of 1973 led to US’ fear of social unrest within the Allies of Western Europe Economic strains made it difficult to justify huge military spending

11 10) What role did economic realities play to the USSR? (4)
Vast sums of money were used to support communist allies Rigid planning of Communist system made it inflexible Soviet technology was falling behind the West Over-emphasis on heavy industry meant that consumer good were in short supply

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