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‘At the heart of our community – investing in your future’ GWSF ANNUAL CONFERENCE 17TH NOVEMBER 2017 TACKLING POVERTY AND INEQUALITY WORKSHOP.

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Presentation on theme: "‘At the heart of our community – investing in your future’ GWSF ANNUAL CONFERENCE 17TH NOVEMBER 2017 TACKLING POVERTY AND INEQUALITY WORKSHOP."— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘At the heart of our community – investing in your future’ GWSF ANNUAL CONFERENCE 17TH NOVEMBER TACKLING POVERTY AND INEQUALITY WORKSHOP Bryan Dando Community Regeneration Officer James Ward Director of Asset Management

2 Overview Tackling Poverty and Inequality through Community Regeneration What is Community Regeneration and its themes Identifying Community Need How to ensure that community regeneration is “community regeneration” and not just “regeneration” Identifying opportunities from projects  Project examples

3 What is Community Regeneration?
Scottish Governments’ Regeneration is the “holistic process of reversing the economic, physical and social decline of places where market forces alone won’t suffice.” Achieving a Sustainable Future: National Regeneration Strategy, Scottish Government, December 2011 Exercise: What contributes to the Economic, Physical, Social decline of places?

4 Community Regeneration!
Not just Regeneration! The aim of regeneration in general is to enable communities that have suffered from economic, social and environmental decline to be able to rebuild their own communities We are going to require: Community Development Exercise: Who are your project Key Community Contacts? How are you going to engage the community?

5 Community Regeneration Strategy

6 Physical Social Economic
Degrading buildings Low Aspirations Lack of Jobs Littering Poor Physical Health Low wages Brown field sites Poor Mental Health Rising Cost of Living Poor Transport Drug Addictions Fuel Poverty Geographical Low Digital Skills Food Poverty Empty Buildings Low Education Attainment Transport Costs Lack of Green Space Loneliness and Isolation Lack of Child Care Lack of Biodiversity Anti Social Behaviour Lack of Services

7 Physical Social Economic
Degrading buildings Improved buildings Low Aspirations Raised Aspirations Lack of Jobs Jobs Created Littering Clean Area Poor Physical Health Better Physical Health Low wages Higher Wages Brown field sites Thriving Sites Poor Mental Health Feeling Good Rising Cost of Living Coping with Cost of Living Poor Transport Transport Options Drug Addictions Better Lifestyles Fuel Poverty Warmer Homes Geographical Connected Places Low Digital Skills Digitally Connected Food Poverty Access to Food Empty Buildings Used Buildings Low Education Attainment High Education Attainment Transport Costs Cheaper Transport Lack of Green Space Quality Green Space Loneliness and Isolation Social Inclusion Lack of Child Care Realistic Child Care Options Lack of Biodiversity More Biodiversity Anti Social Behaviour Constructive Social Behaviour Lack of Services More Services

8 Stakeholders Community Partners Schools Sports Clubs
Tenants Tenant Scrutiny Panel Resident / Owners Associations Community Councils Business Improvement District Third Sector Leaders Group Community Sport Hubs Local Authority Schools Sports Clubs Third Sector Organisations Churches Community Groups Local Businesses Third Sector Public Services: NHS, Fire & Police

9 Community Engagement Questionnaires and Surveys
(Face to Face and Postal) Place Standard Tool Kit Community Consultations: Public Meetings, Planning for Real, Open Days, Taster Sessions, Interviews Where: Community Centres/Halls, School, Churches, Door to Door, Libraries, Outside Local Shops, On Project Site, In their homes and In the Pub!

10 Community Regeneration and Community Development
Community Regeneration - the successful OUTCOME of many processes which seek to redress the unequal balance of opportunities and life-chances experienced by people living in communities with high rates of multiple deprivation Community Development - the facilitated PROCESS of local people working jointly with key agencies to identify and tackle the issues that give rise to the inequalities that result from multiple deprivation Wider Role - the term given to the many different ways in which housing associations and co-operatives help to tackle the problems affecting their communities that go beyond immediate housing need

11 Creative Pathways The project has been in place since 2012 and involves professional artists-in-residence working full-time with unemployed youngsters on large-scale art projects. While learning creative skills in drawing, painting, photography and digital art, the participants are also given one-to-one support with job- hunting, interviews and CV-writing Examples in the last year include the landscaping revamp of a community garden in Neilston and the design and painting of two large, colourful murals at the ARC community centre in Auchenback Since last summer, the project has worked with 48 unemployed young people. 35 have moved into employment, education or training, and 81% received SQA accreditation


13 Auchenback Active – Community Partner
Funding Secured No of people engaged through project Main Issues: Welfare, Fuel, Food & Digital Inclusion Increased income generated from rental Legacy Sustainability Evaluation and Monitoring

14 Auchenback Active Climate Challenge Project
This project aims to support the community of Auchenback to take action to reduce carbon emissions by establishing a new food growing site, creating a team of trained Food Growing / food Waste Champions, and facilitating the development of a community learning network to share knowledge, information and practical skills which address food waste.

15 Renewable Energy The grant of £20,311 East Renfrewshire Renewable Energy Fund contributed to the cost of installing the following energy efficiency measures within the Auchenback Resource Centre An energy efficient central heating boiler A solar panel system to the roof of the ARC Installation of an energy efficiency zonal heating system Insulation of central heating pipes and fitting of radiator reflectors Installation of interior LED lighting and PIR systems to meeting rooms and toilets Upgrading exterior lighting to LED

16 Craft Café This project delivered in partnership with members of the Federation of Local Housing Associations in Renfrewshire (FLAIR) and Impact Arts (with the support of grant investment from the People and Communities Fund) provides activities to sheltered housing tenants and wider community. In partnership with FLAIR, Craft Café has been delivered across 5 different areas, giving members access to a range of arts and crafts activities delivered by a team of artists

17 BHA Community Services
Welfare Officer No of Cases in Last 24 Months: 664 Funds Secured for tenants: £530,799.58 Average per Referral: £799.40 Energy Advice Officer No of Cases in Last 24 Months: 380 Savings for tenants: £85,780.00 Average per Referral: £225.74 Community Regeneration Officer Value of Funding Secured (24 Months): £445,000.00 Social Impact Value for Community: £2 Million (In Excess) Total Community Funds Secured: £1,061,579.50 Overall Social Impact still to be measured ££££££’s

18 What Next ?? Launch of our new Community Regeneration Strategy – Jan 2018 Community Fund Community Benefits Development of BHA’s role as a Community Anchor Feasibility Study for Community HUB

19 Dunterlie, Barrhead Barrhead Housing Association have secured £189, from the Aspiring Communities Fund operated by the Scottish Government to deliver a tenancy sustainment project called ‘Make It Your Own’ within Dunterlie, Barrhead. ‘Make It Your Own’ will bring a creative approach to tenancy sustainment to the most vulnerable tenants in Dunterlie, Barrhead. The project will support the tenants in a range of meaningful opportunities, which include: setting up, sustaining and maintaining their own home; increase their employability skills by developing and delivering a local environmental enhanced project; and learn and enhance digital skills through a number of different Information Technology, Computing and Online engagement events and workshops. Climate Challenge Development Grant has been successfully secured to look at a Community Food Growing facility within Dunterlie, Barrhead. A full application to CCF will be submitted once the feasibility study has been completed. A whole area approach to the regeneration of Dunterlie, Barrhead will be developed to include community partners, tenants, owners and the local authority. BHA are committed as a Community Anchor organisation to improve the community and environment for everyone across Dunterlie.

20 Barrhead Housing Association - PB
Applications will be invited for projects which address the following key objectives in Barrhead Housing Association’s Community Regeneration Strategy. Support people into employment Improve local environments Recognise and reduce social isolation in our communities Reduce food and energy poverty in our communities Increase digital inclusion Support people with welfare advice. Improve Health and Wellbeing Barrhead Housing Association - PB The Barrhead Housing Association Community Projects Fund will demonstrate how working closely, with communities and partners, we can support local projects and initiatives to help make a positive impact. There is a total fund value of £35,


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