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By Mrs. Fisher Specials K-6 Computers

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Presentation on theme: "By Mrs. Fisher Specials K-6 Computers"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Mrs. Fisher Specials K-6 Computers
Keyboarding 101 By Mrs. Fisher Specials K-6 Computers

2 Welcome to the Keyboard

3 Lets Learn the Home Row Keys!!
Keyboarding When we keyboard it is important to first work on TECHNIQUE! What is Technique, you are wondering? Technique is based how we sit, where our hands are, how our body is, and where the computer is located. Technique Sit up Straight. Relax your shoulders and arms. Place hands on the keyboard. Remember resting point is Home Row. Feet on the Floor. Eyes on the screen. Lets Learn the Home Row Keys!!

4 Home Row Keys Left Pinkie=A Ring=S Middle=D Index=F Right Pinkie=;
Ring=L Middle=K Index=J

5 Typing When we type the Home Row is were our fingers rest at all times. We will practice the Home Row Keys in Mavis Beacon (1st-3rd). The Home Row Keys start on “F” and “J” (in the picture there is a dot on the key). We use the Home Row Keys to move around on the keyboard. Look at the picture to the Right

6 Technique 4th-6th Keyboarding Sit up tall, leaning slightly forward.
Sit a 'hand span' away from the keyboard. Place keyboard at the edge of the table. Center your body with the 'B' key or center of the space bar. Place your curved fingers on Home Row. Your index fingers should find F and J, then line up the rest of your fingers. Wrists are level. Hold your wrists off the table or edge of the keyboard. Don't sink down. Feet on the floor. Don't sit on your feet or wrap them around your chair. Eyes on your copy. You should be looking at the paper you are typing from or at the monitor. Technique! The most important part in learning to keyboard is…….you guessed it TECHNIQUE!!

7 Moving from Technique…..
Accuracy Speed Touch typing allows you to key much faster and you don't tire as quickly. This skill comes after the fingers have learned to operate the keys automatically with speed and a high level of accuracy. The fingers move without hesitation when they know where to go. Learning to use the keyboard competently should be viewed as learning to use a tool that assists a student to work in the technological framework of the 21st century. It is a natural extension of the writing process. All students will benefit greatly from knowing that they can write, edit their work, and communicate easily with others while using the keyboard. Good keyboarding skills will aid students as they write, do research, solve problems, communicate with others and achieve competence throughout their educational career. Once you have Technique and Accuracy, this comes with a lot of practice, your Speed will greatly increase. This means your focus should be: Technique Accuracy Speed

8 Mavis Beacon Time!! Please Login into Mavis Beacon
Once Logged in go to Take a Lesson Once in this area you should be asked to either Test My Typing Beginner Lesson Remember to focus on your Technique and your Accuracy first! Don’t worry about Speed, that will come with practice and patience.

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