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Changing how people interact with computers

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Presentation on theme: "Changing how people interact with computers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Changing how people interact with computers
Microsoft, AI & Bots Changing how people interact with computers

2 Agenda Evolution of Technology What are Cognitive Service?
What are Bots? Demo building Bots

3 Technology revolutions
1456 1765 1943 1981 1994 2008 2014 2016

4 45 Years of Moore’s Law

5 45 year of Moorse’s Law Real Picture
Things that were impossible a few years ago are easy today Thanks 2 David Chappell

6 45 year of Moorse’s Law Future
Things that were un-imaginable now are easy in a few years Now Thanks 2 David Chappell

7 Some AI Technology By Microsoft
GPU based VMs Machine Learning with ML Studio Cognitive Services Cortana Skills (soon public preview) Project IRIS (soon in public preview) Bot Framework

8 Cognitive Services Take advantage of the world’s premier AI services
9/11/ :33 AM Cognitive Services Take advantage of the world’s premier AI services Vision From faces to feelings, allow your apps to understand images and video Speech Hear and speak to your users by filtering noise, identifying speakers, and understanding intent Language Process text and learn how to recognize what users want Vision Computer Vision API: Distill actionable information from images Emotion API: Personalize experiences with emotion recognition Face API: Detect, identify, analyze, organize, and tag faces in photos Video API: Analyze, edit, and process videos within your app Speech Bing Speech API: Convert speech to text and back again, and understand its intent Custom Recognition Intelligent Service (CRIS): Fine-tune speech recognition for anyone, anywhere Speaker Recognition API: Give your app the ability to know who’s talking Language: Bing Spell Check API: Detect and correct spelling mistakes within your app Language Understanding Intelligent Service (LUIS): Teach your apps to understand commands from your users Linguistic Analysis API: Easily parse complex text with language analysis Text Analytics API: Detect sentiment, key phrases, topics, and language from your text Web Language Model API: Leverage the power of language models trained on web-scale data Knowledge Academic Knowledge API: Explore relationships among academic papers, journals, and authors Entity Linking Intelligence Service: Contextually extend knowledge of people, locations, and events Knowledge Exploration Service: Add interactive search over structured data to your project Recommendations API: Provide personalized product recommendations for your customers Search: Bing Autosuggest API: Give your app intelligent autosuggest options for searches Bing Image Search API: Bing advanced image and metadata search to your app. Bing News Search API: Link your users to robust and timeline news searches Bing Video Search API: Trending videos, detailed metadata, and rich results Bing Web Search: Connect powerful search to your apps Knowledge Tap into rich knowledge amassed from the web, academia, or your own data Search Access billions of web pages, images, videos, and news with the power of Bing APIs © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

9 Demo Time The Face API Computer Vision API Intelligent Kiosk ML Studio

10 What is a Bot? A Bot is a conversation based UI
Conversation is based on language Conversation takes place on a general canvas Canvas can be: Chat Client: Skype, Team, Slack, Messenger Voice: Echo, Cortana Skills, Siri, Google Now App: Website, App

11 Scenario’s for Bots Question and Answers
Automate Helpdesk, Handoff to human if too complex Product selection and ordering Task Automation Proactive Assistance & Monitoring Expert Systems

12 Bot Examples

13 9/11/ :33 AM Microsoft Bot Framework Build once, publish across platforms and drive discoverability Bot Developer SDKs Bot Connector Bot Directory Open source SDKs make it possible to bring your bot to life in minutes Connect your bot to any or all of the top conversational experiences to reach >1B users Make your bot discoverable via Bing, Cortana and other Microsoft surfaces © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

14 Bot Connector Teams Microsoft Build 2016 9/11/2018 11:33 AM

15 Your Bot SDK for C# and Node.js You can host your bot anywhere
Dialogs to model a conversation Natural Language Understanding (LUIS) Logic Web Service Bot Builder SDK (Node.js / C#) Your conversation logic LUIS

16 What do you need to do to have normal conversation
Know what intent of the user is Be able to detect multiple languages and decide how to respond Detect emotion and decide how to respond Prevent the user is interupted by your own proactive bot.

17 Know what the user intended [LUIS.AI]
{ "query": "register guest", "topScoringIntent": { "intent": "MSFTNLBot.RegisterGuest", "score": , "actions": [ "triggered": true, "name": "MSFTNLBot.RegisterGuest", "parameters": [] } ] }, "intents": [ "intent": "MSFTBot.LocalWeather", "score": "intent": "MSFTNLBot.Welcome", "score": , "name": "MSFTNLBot.Welcome", <subscription>?subscription-key=<key>&timezoneOffset=0&verbose=true& q=register%20guest

18 Or any internet connected webservice
Hosting Options Azure WebApp Azure Bot Service Or any internet connected webservice

19 Demo Time Parking Bot: Bot to get information out of datastore
Invitation Bot: Bot to invite a guest at the office Proactive Bot: Bot that sends message when a event occurs Azure Bot Service: Create a bot a Serverless app Different clients Skype, Messenger, Web & Teams

20 Resources Microsoft BotFramework Microsoft Cognitive Services
Get started at: Documentation: Microsoft Cognitive Services Get started at: Documentation: Open Source BotBuilder SDK (node.js & C#) Sample Multi lingual Bot:

21 Extra slides

22 Microsoft Bot Framework
Build & connect intelligent bots Interact naturally wherever your users are talking: Text/SMS Skype Teams Facebook Slack GroupMe Telegram Web Chat

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