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NobelProcera® restorations for edentulous cases

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1 NobelProcera® restorations for edentulous cases

2 Note Instruction slide Please note,
this production is a guideline for the selection of NobelProcera fixed, fixed-removable solutions. Take in consideration the different market needs. Depending on the local preferences it might be necessary to adjust the presentation accordingly.

3 Prosthetic options for edentulous cases
Removable Fixed - Removable Fixed

4 NobelProcera® fixed and fixed-removable implant solutions
Implant Bridge Fixed Fixed removable Implant Bar Overdenture Dolder Bar Montreal Bar Wrap-around Bar Hader Bar Paris Bar Round Bar Montreal Bar with metallic lingual Free Form Milled Bar Hybrid NobelProcera Implant Bridge Zirconia NobelProcera Implant Bridge Titanium

5 NobelProcera® fixed and fixed-removable implant solutions
Availability NobelProcera solutions are available on implant and Multi-unit Abutment level or a combination of both Implant Bar Overdentures are also available on Straumann Bone Level and Standard/Standard Plus implant platforms NobelProcera Services Center provides solutions for Astra, 3i, Zimmer and many more, a NobelProcera Scanner is not required for these offers For specific details to individual products please refer to the Implant Bar Navigator and IFU`s.

6 Agenda Clinical situation 1 – no tissue resorption
Clinical situation 2 – mild tissue resorption Clinical situation 3 – moderate tissue resorption Clinical situation 4 – advanced tissue resorption Consideration factors Clinical examples

7 Note Instruction slide
Please note implant bridge can be used for all clinical situations depending on the preferences of the clinician and the patient.

8 Clinical situation 1 No tissue resorption
Replacement required: Teeth Available restorations: Implant Bridge (Zirconia, Titanium) Hybrid

9 NobelProcera® fixed implant solution Implant Bridge
Features & benefits Individual design options for optimal support of veneering material and esthetics Mechanical strength to ensure long-term strength and stability Screw-retained for access at any time Veneering with composite and porcelain (Titanium) Veneering with porcelain (Zirconia) 4 shades of Zirconia available

10 NobelProcera® fixed implant solution Hybrid
Features & benefits Individual design combines features of Wrap-around Bar and Implant bridge Ideal solution for limited vertical space Individual soft tissue support and retentions for acrylic Acrylic wraps around entire framework Screw-retained for access at any time

11 Agenda Clinical situation 1 – no tissue resorption
Clinical situation 2 – mild tissue resorption Clinical situation 3 – moderate tissue resorption Clinical situation 4 – advanced tissue resorption Consideration factors Clinical examples

12 Clinical situation 2 Mild tissue resorption
Replacement required: Teeth Minimal hard and soft tissue Available restorations: Implant Bridge Wrap-around Bar Montreal Bar Hybrid

13 NobelProcera® fixed implant solution Wrap-around Bar
Features & benefits Esthetic design Solution for limited vertical space Acrylic wraps around entire framework supporting easy adjustment or relinement Simple implant bar design together with denture teeth offering a cost-effective solution Screw-retained for access at any time

14 NobelProcera® fixed implant solution Montreal Bar/ Montreal Bar with metallic lingual
Features & benefits High-polished titanium base supports easy hygiene by the patient and reduces the risk of plaque accumulation Screw-retained for access at any time Montreal Bar Design offers a clean transition line between acrylic and titanium framework Metal base follows the soft tissue contour Montreal Bar with metallic lingual Polished titanium also in lingual aspect Design allows extraoral soft tissue support (lips and cheeks) Optimal support with retentions

15 Agenda Clinical situation 1 – no tissue resorption
Clinical situation 2 – mild tissue resorption Clinical situation 3 – moderate tissue resorption Clinical situation 4 – advanced tissue resorption Consideration factors Clinical examples

16 Clinical situation 3 Moderate tissue resorption
Replacement required: Teeth Hard and soft tissue Available restorations: Implant Bridge Free Form Milled Bar Paris Bar Montreal Bar Wrap-around Bar Hybrid

17 NobelProcera® fixed-removable implant solution Free Form Milled Bar
Features & benefits Bar form can be individually shaped to the jaw Design supports vertical height compensation Various attachments and retention elements are available Locator® is a registered trademark of Zest Anchors Inc.

18 NobelProcera® fixed-removable implant solution Paris Bar
Features & benefits Design offers a clean transition line between acrylic and titanium framework High-polished titanium base supports easy hygiene by the patient and reduces the risk of plaque accumulation Metal base follows the soft tissue contour Design supports vertical height compensation Various attachments and retention elements are available Locator® is a registered trademark of Zest Anchors Inc.

19 Agenda Clinical situation 1 – no tissue resorption
Clinical situation 2 – mild tissue resorption Clinical situation 3 – moderate tissue resorption Clinical situation 4 – advanced tissue resorption Consideration factors Clinical examples

20 Clinical situation 4 Advanced tissue resorption
Replacement required: Teeth Hard and soft tissue Available restorations: Implant Bridge Dolder Bar Hader Bar Round Bar Free Form Milled Bar Paris Bar Hybrid

21 NobelProcera® fixed-removable implant solution Dolder Bar
Features & benefits 4 types available, micro designs ideal for limited vertical and horizontal space Very good retention due to gold riders Simple bar design supports easy hygiene by patient

22 NobelProcera® fixed – removable implant solution Round Bar
Features & benefits Design for cases with limited vertical space Similar functions to Dolder Bar Simple bar design supports easy hygiene by patient Important to seat denture in an even motion Gold rider or nylon inserts with metal sleeve used Option to have inserts with different retention strengths

23 NobelProcera® fixed-removable implant solution Hader Bar
Features & benefits Design similar as Round Bar but more rigid and adjustable to soft tissue if desired Simple bar design supports easy hygiene by patient Important to seat denture in an even motion Nylon inserts with metal sleeve used Option to have inserts with different retention strengths

24 Agenda Clinical situation 1 – no tissue resorption
Clinical situation 2 – mild tissue resorption Clinical situation 3 – moderate tissue resorption Clinical situation 4 – advanced tissue resorption Consideration factors Clinical examples

25 Costs/benefit considerations
Costs can vary on patient and clinician preferences NobelClinician™/ NobelGuide ® Surgical Prosthetics Treatment cost Brånemark System ® Zygoma NobelProcera ® Implant Bridge or NobelProcera ® Implant Bar Overdenture Any Nobel Biocare Implant System - NobelProcera ® Implant Bridge Any Nobel Biocare Implant System, All-on-4 ® treatment concept - Acrylic Temporary Bridge NobelProcera ® Implant Bridge NobelProcera ® Implant Bar Overdenture Any Nobel Biocare Implant System Overdenture bar construction or NobelProcera ® Implant Bar Overdenture Any Nobel Biocare Implant System Ball abutmemnts or Locator ® Abutments and Prosthesis Benefit Locator® is a registered trademark of Zest Anchors Inc.

26 Hygiene requirements (patient)
Patient ability to maintain hygiene Fixed implant bar or implant bridge Bar structure with mucosa contact Bar structure without mucosa contact Implant-retained denture Complexity of hygiene

27 Maintenance requirements (clinician)
Time for maintenance Bar structure without mucosa contact Bar structure with mucosa contact Fixed implant bar or implant bridge Cost

28 Resorption patterns Buccal bone big role one decision
Replacement of teeth Limited interocclusal space enables to do implant bridges and fixed restorations For optimal esthetic result the replacement of teeth soft tissue and hard tissue is needed Buccal bone big role one decision Limited interocclusal space abele to do implant bridges and fixed restorations More buccal bone resorption need of flange for esthetic reasons, indicates a fixed removable solution or locators Replacement of soft and hard tissue

29 Agenda Clinical situation 1 – no tissue resorption
Clinical situation 2 – mild tissue resorption Clinical situation 3 – moderate tissue resorption Clinical situation 4 – advanced tissue resorption Consideration factors Clinical examples

30 Examples for treatment options
Fixed solution Fixed solution Fixed-Removable solution

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