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Unit 4: Memory & Learning

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1 Unit 4: Memory & Learning
4.5 Classical Conditioning

2 What is Learning? Learning: (relatively) permanent change in behavior due to experience Associative learning: learning that certain events occur together 2 types – classical conditioning & operant conditioning

3 Ivan Pavlov Originally a medical researcher
Made his discovery about learning while researching digestive systems Realized dogs began to salivate when they saw/smelled food Began to pair the food with a neutral stimulus (bell) Wanted to see if the dogs would link the neutral stimulus to the food over time and get the same response (salivate)

4 Conditioning Trial Salivation Classical Conditioning: learning where a neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus (US) and elicits a conditioned response (CR) Test Trial Salivation

5 Unconditioned Response (UR): a response produced by a natural stimulus
Unconditioned Stimulus (US): a stimulus that has the ability to produce a specific response before conditioning begins Pavlov example: the food Unconditioned Response (UR): a response produced by a natural stimulus Pavlov example: salivating at the food Conditioned Stimulus (CS): an initially neutral stimulus (NS) that comes to produce a new response because it is associated with the US During this stage acquisition (initial stage of learning, neutral stimulus becomes associated w/ US) occurs Pavlov example: the bell Conditioned Response (CR): the response produced by the CS Pavlov example: salivating when hearing the bell

6 US UR CS CR Let’s practice! Jim offering a mint to Dwight
Dwight reaching his hand out Sound of computer restarting Dwight reaching his hand out

7 a. Extinction After conditioning has taken place, repeatedly presenting the CS (bell) w/o the US (meat) will make the CR (salivating) weaker & eventually make it disappear.

8 b. Reconditioning relearning of a conditioned response after extinction with only 1 or 2 more pairings (CS with US). Extinct Response 1 or 2 CS-US pairings Conditioned

9 c. Spontaneous Recovery
Following extinction, the CR reappears at reduced strength if the CS is presented again after a rest period. Extinct Response Time - days- Conditioned

10 d. Stimulus Generalization
After a CR has been trained to a CS, that same CR will tend to occur to similar stimuli w/o further training. The greater the similarity, the stronger the response will be. - Can lead to phobias e. Discrimination Act of responding differently to stimuli that are not similar US: dog bite (pain from bite) UR: fear – trying to escape CS: sight of that dog CR: fear of dog Generalization: fear of all dogs Discrimination: doesn’t fear stuffed animal dogs

11 f. Conditions in Classical Conditioning
Timing - closer in time = more effective Predictability - pairing of US & CS is consistent Signal Strength - Strength of CS is strong Attention - the amount of attention that is directed at the CS

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