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Interviewing & Hiring Practices
Office of Human Resources Southwestern Community College
Selection Process First step in applying for a job Resume Cover letter
Highlight previous experience that matches the job requirements of the job you are applying Cover letter Briefly explain why you are interested in the position and how your previous experience makes you a viable candidate for the position in which you are applying Employment Application Some companies may ask you to complete their employment application Most state and federal positions will require an employment application Many employment applications are now online
Selection Process (continued)
Online application process Filters through the applications before an actual person sees the application Important to include “key words” in application or resume to match the position requirements Selection Committees Multiple people review the applications and decide on which applicants to interview as a group Hiring Manager/Human Resources The supervisor for the advertised position or someone from Human Resources will review the applications and select candidates to interview
Selection Process (continued)
Who is chosen to interview? Usually must meet minimum requirements for the position Example: if the position requires a master’s degree and the applicant has a high school diploma, then the applicant will probably not be selected to interview Candidates that meet the preferred requirements Candidates that have listed related work experience on their resume and/or application Well-written resume and/or application Should be typed Error free Have someone else proof your resume Use spell-check but don’t completely rely on it Candidates that have documented success in previous positions Sell yourself on your resume and/or application Highlight your accomplishments
Interview Process You made it past the first screening. What next?
Interview Committee or Panel Interview Candidates will interview with multiple people Could comprise of the supervisor, other department managers, someone from human resources, and possibly a future co-worker One-on-One Interview Hiring Manager Human Resources Representative
Interview Process (continued)
How to have a successful interview: Prepare for the interview Research the company Have a couple of facts memorized for the interview Practice, Practice, Practice Ask a friend to act as the interviewer and practice answering sample interview questions Know how to get to the interview and allow for extra travel time It is always better to be early rather than late for an interview. Bring extra copies of your resume to the interview Prepare a couple of questions about the position Show the interviewer(s) that you researched the position
Sample Interview Questions
Tell me about yourself. Why did you leave your last job or why do you want to leave your current job? What experience do you have in this field? What do co-workers say about you? What do you know about Southwestern Community College? What have you done to improve your knowledge or skills in the last year? Why do you want to work for Southwestern Community College? Are you a team player? Describe a situation where you were a team player. Have you ever had to fire anyone? How did you feel about that? What is your philosophy towards work? Have you ever been asked to leave a position? Explain how you would be an asset to this program (or department). Why should we hire you? Tell me about a suggestion you have made. Was it implemented? What irritates you about co-workers? What is your greatest strength? Tell me about your dream job. Why do you think you would do well at this job? Source: The Accelerated Job Search by Wayne D. Ford, PhD (adapted)
Sample Interview Questions
Describe a good day at work. What are you looking for in a job? What would your previous (or current) supervisor say your strongest point is? Tell me about a problem you had with a supervisor What has disappointed you about a job? Tell me about your ability to work under pressure and provide an example. What motivates you to do your best on the job? Are you willing to work overtime? Nights? Weekends? Describe your management style. What have you learned from mistakes on the job? If you were hiring a person for this job, what would you look for? How do you propose to compensate for your lack of experience? What qualities do you look for in a supervisor? Tell me about a time when you helped resolve a dispute between others. Describe your work ethic. What has been your biggest professional disappointment? What has been your greatest professional success (something you are proud of)? Tell me about the most fun you have had on the job. Do you have any questions for me? Source: The Accelerated Job Search by Wayne D. Ford, Ph.D (adapted)
Interview Process (continued)
How to have a successful interview: Dress appropriately Avoid dressing too casual Too Casual
Interview Process (continued)
Dress maybe okay once hired (depends on workplace) but too casual for an interview Although some worksites have casual dress during the week, it is still better to over-dress for the interview.
Interview Process (continued)
Perfect – Your Hired! Show the interviewer that you are serious about the job
Interview Process (continued)
How to have a successful interview: Try to engage the interviewer Let your personality shine Smile Be professional Firmly shake the interviewer(s) hand(s) Sit up straight Make eye contact Speak clearly Project your voice Don’t mumble Don’t chew gum At the end of the interview, thank the interviewer/panel Stay positive Don’t say anything negative about a previous employer or supervisor (even if you had a very negative experience) If asked about a weakness, then turn the answer into something positive Example: I am a perfectionist; however, I have learned to produce error-free work in a time-efficient manner.
Interview Process (continued)
“Don’ts”: Why interviewees are not hired Lack of interest for the position Negative comments during the interview Too casual (in appearance and/or behavior) Lack of eye contact Clerical errors and/or messy application/resume Late for interview Answers to interview questions were too vague/not clear Poor grammar (written and/or verbal)
Interview Process (continued)
Know Your Rights: Questions the interviewer is not allowed to ask The national origin of the applicant (e.g., birthplace, ancestry, culture, etc) Religion or religious beliefs Pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions The age of the applicant The applicant’s marital status, number/age of children, childcare issues A person’s handicap(s) The applicant’s sexual orientation Membership in any organizations and/or groups that are not professional associations related to the job
Southwestern Community College Selection Process
All full-time positions have selection committees Selection committee reviews the applications and selects the most qualified candidates to interview for the position The interviewees may be asked to participate in the following (as deemed necessary by the selection committee): A demonstration of his/her presentation skills (typically used for faculty positions) A tour of the campus A skills test (typically used for administrative assistant positions) A second level of interviews After the interviews are conducted, the selection committee will do one of the following: Recommend one of the interviewees to the president Select a second group of applicants to interview for the position Repost the position (if there was not a sufficient group of qualified applications)
Southwestern Community College Selection Process
The Office of Human Resources will conduct a criminal background check and contact the applicant’s references/previous employers After the interview with the president, the president will either recommend the candidate to the Board of Trustees or reject the candidate. If the candidate is recommended to the Board of Trustees, then the Board will have 7 days to reprove the recommendation for employment. If no negative response is provided by the Board of Trustees, then the Office of Human Resources extends an offer of employment to the candidate.
Prepare Now for Future Careers
Stay in school and graduate It is never too early to begin building your resume Participate in school activities, committees, and/or sports Volunteer in the community Talk with someone who has a career that interests you Shadow the person for a day Find out what degree is required for the position Find out the type of work experience and how many years of experience are required for the position Work part-time in the field that interests you
Human Resources Human Resources Specialist
Primarily responsible for employment services and employee benefits Place employment ads Assist applicants with the application and selection process Schedule interviews Contact applicants’ references Serve on selection committees Coordinate annual benefits fair Conduct benefits orientations for new employees Assist employees with benefit questions Serve on college committees Required qualifications: Associate’s degree Two years of related work experience Proficient in Microsoft Office Excellent oral and written communication skills Organization skills
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