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Participatory Budgeting and Health - pilot in Thornhill, Southampton

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1 Participatory Budgeting and Health - pilot in Thornhill, Southampton

2 Background and Timeline
Thornhill Plus You (Southampton) established as one of 39 national NDC projects (2001) resident-led Thornhill Community Health Group established to sustain delivery health objectives of local TPY programme (2005) Southampton City PCT commits £100K recurring revenue to Thornhill community for health projects in return for NDC capital for a new health clinic (autumn 2006) members of Thornhill Community Health Group agree to pilot ‘participatory budgeting’ for distributing £50,000 of PCT money (summer 2007) Your Health, Your Community, Your Vote event held (June 2008) evaluation and dissemination of pilot (September 2008)

3 Good atmosphere, very exiting
Preliminary Evaluation empowering local groups to bid for money and manage health related projects 21 applications were received with a total value of £130,000: 52% (11) by third sector organisations 33% (7) by statutory sector organisations 14% (3) by local community/ voluntary groups Note: all pictures in this slide show will have faded edges to improve the look I couldn’t bring myself to leave… Good atmosphere, very exiting 3

4 Preliminary Evaluation
increasing resident participation in decision making which should be engaging and enjoyable During preparation for the ‘decision day’, considerable effort was made to inform local Thornhill residents about Your Health, Your Community, Your Vote: leaflets, articles in the local press and targeted campaigns across the whole estate were used to publicise the event Note: all pictures in this slide show will have faded edges to improve the look People found it very challenging because lots of organisations don’t meet the community they are serving 4

5 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Preliminary Evaluation
establishing processes and accountability lines that are clear, concise and productive A central objective of the pilot was to ensure that all participants were clear about the processes in place from how to apply to the voting procedures Similarly it was important that residents were clear about voting and the overall decision making process Note: all pictures in this slide show will have faded edges to improve the look Great! It was a privilege to participate 5

6 Preliminary Evaluation
what worked well? event management on the day marketing of the scheme to applicants creation of the brand ‘Your Health, Your Community, Your Vote’ strengthening of partnership working between local residents; NHS agencies (e.g. SCPCT, GPs); the City Council; Thornhill Plus You; and the voluntary sector Note: all pictures in this slide show will have faded edges to improve the look I realised that people having fun was one of the most important things about the day. 6

7 Preliminary Evaluation
what could be improved? involvement of more local residents in designing project applications earlier pre-publicity about the scheme to applicants better prior information for participants about project applications Note: all pictures in this slide show will have faded edges to improve the look It is important to be respectful of the time that people are giving up to attend 7

8 “ “ Preliminary Evaluation
sharing the learning Your Health, Your Community, Your Vote has proved to be a very successful and popular initiative with local people, politicians, policy makers and the project applicants It is important that the learning from our pilot is now disseminated among (1) those who were involved in developing and organising it and (2) those interested in testing participatory budgeting elsewhere Note: all pictures in this slide show will have faded edges to improve the look It was great to see faces behind the projects 8

9 Final Thoughts (1) “It was a real pleasure to see a local community take on the responsibility for improving their own health and wellbeing. The winning bids demonstrated a real breadth of understanding by the local community of their needs…..I was not allowed to vote but came away from the event determined the NHS needs to do more of this.” Dr. David Paynton, Director of Commercial Services (Southampton City PCT) and practising GP

10 Final Thoughts (2) “ Participatory budgeting gives residents the opportunity to spend money in the way they wish. A community knows its own needs and if it chooses where funding goes, it gives people ownership. Participatory budgeting is about standing up and being counted and I’ve no intention of going back to the old system of decisions about the neighbourhood’s future being taken by a handful of people sitting round the table” Sandra Jordan, local resident and Chair of Thornhill Community Health Group

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