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Infection Control II: Personal Protective Equipment

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Presentation on theme: "Infection Control II: Personal Protective Equipment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Infection Control II: Personal Protective Equipment

2 Standard Precautions Equipment & methods that prevent transmission of microorganisms from one person to another: Established early in the AIDS epidemic Prior to AIDS

3 Standard Precautions Applied to ALL patients/residents
Gloves & Hand washing Gown, Mask, Caps, & Goggles Needles should NEVER be recapped Sharps Never carry needles or sharps Unknown spills or waste

4 Transmission-based Precaution
Airborne Diseases that are spread through the air Examples include chickenpox, measles, TB

5 Transmission-based Precaution
Droplet Diseases spread by droplets E.g. certain types of meningitis and pneumonia, pertussis, influenza, mumps, German Measles

6 Transmission-based Precaution
Contact Diseases spread by contact with infected skin or objects E.g. Herpes, impetigo, diphtheria, scabies, AIDS, MRSA

7 Transmission-based Precaution
Reverse or Protective Isolation This concept is opposite of every other transmission-based precaution Involves protecting the patient / resident from infectious process Necessary for immune deficiency / suppressed E.g. pts with AIDS, transplants, CA chemotherapy

8 Airborne Precautions Pt room must be private or with other pt with same disease Room may need special ventilation system Room door must remain closed

9 Airborne Precautions Staff & Visitors must wear gloves & mask
For prolonged contact with pt you must wear necessary PPE Pt should leave room as little as possible & wear a mask when doing so

10 Droplet Precautions Similar to Airborne, but droplet travels no more than 3 feet Private or semi-private room (with same disease) If different diseases must be 3 feet apart

11 Droplet Precautions Staff & Visitors must wear gloves & mask
For prolonged contact with pt you must wear necessary PPE Pt should leave room as little as possible & wear a mask when doing so

12 Contact Precautions Private or semi-private room (with same disease)
Room door must remain closed Staff & Visitors must wear gloves & mask For prolonged contact with pt you must wear necessary PPE Pt should leave room as little as possible & wear a mask when doing so

13 Contact Precautions Use biohazard waste bags Disposable equipment

14 Reverse Isolation Private Room
Staff & Visitors must wear gloves & mask For prolonged contact with pt you must wear necessary PPE Pt should leave room as little as possible & wear a mask when doing so

15 Exposure Report to the supervisor Complete an incident report
Depends on exposure Cleanse with antiseptic Appropriate blood baseline tests Follow-up Care

16 Application of PPE Handwashing according to protocol
Mary had a little lamb Equipment is clean, not sterile Order of application Gown Cap Mask Gloves (sterile procedure different)

17 Order of Removal of PPE Gloves Cap Gown Mask
If Airborne transmission remove mask just prior to exiting

18 Order of Removal of PPE Hand washing
Place items in proper biohazard containers When Biohazard containers are full Double bag

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