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Ubuntu Working in Terminal

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1 Ubuntu Working in Terminal
Lab 4

2 Users And Groups User Account Adding and Removing Users
Adding and Removing Group

3 User Account 2 kinds of users in Linux
Root Regular user Root user should be logged in only when some configuration changes are needed.

4 Adding and Removing Users
Useradd Enter username and user-specific values (e.g. group, user ID) as options on the command line Userdel Delete the user's login

5 useradd Command The useradd command : Used to create a new user.
The useradd self explanatory command used to create a new user .

6 Command syntax Command useradd Useradd “username” i.e. Useradd ‘test’

7 Creating password for the user
Creating a password for the user Passwd ‘username’ “Enter new unix password” Here you can assign password to the user “Retype new unix password” Type password again

8 userdel Command The userdel command :
Used to delete or remove a user account. The userdel self explanatory command used to remove user account.

9 Command syntax Command userdel Userdel ‘test’ Userdel “username” i.e.
Test user is removed from the list

10 Removing user home directory
To remove a users home directory Command is userdel -r ‘username’ Syntax of the command is userdel -r test

11 Logging out a user and killing its processes
If the user is logged in Use pkill command to logout the user Command Syntax to kill processes of the user pkill -KILL -u UserID i.e pkill -KILL –u test

12 Adding and Removing Groups
groupadd With the groupadd command, you can create new groups. When you add a group to the system, the system places the group's name in the file and gives it a group ID number/etc/group groupdel You can delete a group with the groupdel command. In the next example, the engines group is deleted:

13 groupadd Command The groupadd command : Used to create a new group.
Syntax groupadd “group name “ i.e groupadd “test“

14 Adding user to a group We can add any user to our desired group by this command Useradd –G “Group name” “Username” i.e. Useradd -G SZABIST test

15 Class Work Create a user group naming it SZABIST
Create a user with your name Add this user to the group SZABIST

16 Network Interfaces Packages Package Management Package Dependencies
Package Managers

17 Packages Collection of files Combined together as a single file
To serve a common purpose Installation scripts.

18 Package Dependencies Some needed libraries
To be fully functional a package may need some other package’s attributes Several separate Packages are available in ubuntu

19 Package Management System
Comprehensive package management system available in Ubuntu Installation, upgrade, configuration, and removal of software. Several tools are available Command-line utilities which may be easily automated by system administrators, Graphical interface which is easy to use by those new to Ubuntu.

20 Package Managers A package manager is an application which handles the downloading and installation of packages. Ubuntu includes a few package managers i.e. dpkg, apt, aptitude, Automatic Update etc

21 Using Package manager APT Command line package manager
Advanced Packaging Tool A very power full command line tool for Packages Installation Upgrading existing packages Uninstalling packages

22 Using Package manager Some common commands that can be used with
Install packages: sudo apt-get install packagename i.e. apt-get install packagename

23 Using Package manager Some common commands that can be used with
Remove packages: sudo apt-get remove packagename i.e. apt-get remove packagename

24 Using Package manager Some common commands that can be used with
Retrieve new lists of packages: sudo apt-get update i.e. apt-get update

25 Using Package manager Some common commands that can be used with
Upgrade system with available updates: sudo apt-get upgrade i.e. apt-get -u upgrade

26 Using Package manager Some Useful options with the package
-d  Download only -f  Attempt to continue if the integrity check fails -y  Assume Yes to all queries and do not prompt -u  Show a list of upgraded packages as well

27 Installing msn messenger
Messenger used with UBUNTU msn-pecan To install Go to the terminal and use Apt-get install msn-pecan command

28 Find out all installed packages list
Apt-cache pkgnames Show the list of all packages which are installed in your unbuntu operating system.

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