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A Fresh Outlook.

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1 A Fresh Outlook

2 About Us Aspect Underwriting is a new, specialist Accident & Health Underwriting Agency founded by one of Australia’s leading Accident & Health specialists – Mike Wallis. Our goal is to provide Australian brokers & intermediaries with the highest quality products and services available, via a level of knowledge & expertise that comes with over 20 years of experience. The relationships enjoyed within the Lloyd’s A&H market mean that you and therefore your clients will have access to flexible and innovative product designs at the most competitive pricing. And with the company being driven forward by ex-brokers, the service provided to you and your clients will be of the highest level. Our Structure Aspect Underwriting is an Authorised Representative (AR Number ) of NWC Insurance Pty Ltd (AFSL Number ). NWC Insurance Pty Ltd is a Coverholder at Lloyd’s.

3 Accident & Health Products
Total Temporary Disablement (Income Protection) Total Permanent Disablement Accidental Death Trauma / Critical Illness Broken Bones Top Up of Workers’ Compensation benefits Journey Cover Confidential Life Death & Disgrace Funeral Evacuation & Repatriation – from Medical, political or natural disaster situations Kidnap & Ransom – Kidnap, Detention, Piracy, Extortion or Hijack Contingency – Cancellation and Abandonment, Non-Appearance, Sports Bonus Guarantee, Prize Indemnity Expatriate employee cover

4 Accident & Health We offer a broad, all-encompassing A&H PDS that combines a number of products into one The Core Product can be either a) or b) below or a) & b): Accidental Death & Total Permanent Disablement; and/or Temporary Disablement Then there are optional product extensions to include cover for: Trauma & Serious Illness Journey Accidental Dental Expenses Funeral Expenses Tailored A&H products as requested by clients/brokers and/or new products from the Lloyd’s market made available to clients/brokers Facultative Reinsurance solutions for both local life & general insurers We are also happy to deal with both Wholesale (groups over 20 (over 100 if the occupation is manufacturing)) or Retail (individual insured persons or groups smaller than the wholesale definition)

5 Accident & Health General Insurer versus Life Insurer
Income Protection, Total Permanent Disablement, Death by Accident/Injury and Trauma/Critical Illness are all products that can be provided by both Life and General Insurers. This is something many brokers are unaware of. The one product general insurers must not write is Death by any cause or Death by natural causes/sickness. Over the years the general insurers have amended their terms & conditions so they can compete with life insurers, particularly on things like guaranteed renewal. The upside is that general insurers (particularly Lloyd’s) can be more flexible than the life insurers and less risk averse. So occupations that life insurers don’t like are generally written by general insurers, particularly blue collar or hazardous. When it comes to Lloyd’s, there is generally not an occupation they won’t insure. Large Limits Aspect UW has been given authority by Lloyd’s to provide maximum benefits of $120,000 per month for Income Protection and $10m per person for Accidental Death and TPD. So high-income clients are certainly a target market of ours. We can also consider offering a cover that sits above or alongside an existing policy, whereby if the current insurer will not provide a high enough limit for a high-earner, Aspect UW can write an additional or excess layer. This could be done as a standalone policy, a co-insurance or as a reinsurance of the original insurer.

6 Accident & Health Acquiring Cover
Traditionally (and still) Life Insurers work on offering interim/limited cover during the application process. Only when the application has been processed will the Life Insurer offer full cover, cover that may contain exclusions, loadings or they even decline cover. Aspect UW offers full cover from the outset but with a Pre-existing Illness exclusion (Pre-Ex) and no cover for injuries that occur prior to the policy commencing. The Pre-Ex requires the customer to have had treatment or advice for treatment in the six/twelve months prior to cover commencing. If they have not had this, the exclusion does not apply to that condition. Also, the Pre-Ex can be removed after two years of continuous cover, for a relevant loading and/or to better position ourselves for a specific/targeted sector in relation to the competition. The sales pitch is simply that you have full cover from day one. No extended application process, no forms, no medical underwriting, no exclusions or loadings and no declinature of cover. If you have a pre-existing illness, you are not covered for that condition but you are for anything else. If you have no pre-existing conditions, you are covered for everything, in full, from day one.

7 Accident & Health Service Offerings
Aspect Underwriting provides Australian brokers & intermediaries with the highest quality products and services available with a level of knowledge & expertise that has been developed with over 20 years of experience. Consultancy & advisory services Specialist A&H advice Specialist London Market advice and the facilitation of introductions to London Brokers & Underwriters (any class of business) Tailored product solutions and ‘new product’ awareness (any class of business) Placement support (including facultative reinsurance solutions to both existing buyers and potential new buyers)

8 Accident & Health Now is a good time to talk. Ask us the difficult questions – we will help with solutions that challenge the norm. Call us on: us at: Or visit us at: Level 1, 5-7 Peel Street Collingwood Vic 3066

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