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Commonly known as: Fats Oils Waxes Sterols like cholesterol

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Presentation on theme: "Commonly known as: Fats Oils Waxes Sterols like cholesterol"— Presentation transcript:

1 Commonly known as: Fats Oils Waxes Sterols like cholesterol
3rd Organic Molecule: Lipids Commonly known as: Fats Oils Waxes Sterols like cholesterol

2 1. Organic Compounds Function of a lipid: Lipids are:
Made up of carbon-hydrogen bonds Feels waxy or oily to the touch Function of a lipid: Long term stored energy -stored in our adipose tissue 9/11/2018

3 The Number Of Fat Cells Remains Constant In All Body Types
The number of fat cells in a person's body is determined during childhood and stays constant throughout a persons life, with about 10 percent of fat cells dying and being replaced annually The Number Of Fat Cells Remains Constant In All Body Types 9/11/2018

4 b. Main component of our cell membranes c. Insulates our body
Protects our major organs e. Transports certain types of vitamins and hormones around our body/ acts as a chemical messenger. 9/11/2018

5 Same set of elements found in carbs
Lipids are made up of: C , H and O Same set of elements found in carbs ……unused carbs get stored as body fat. 9/11/2018

6 Like carbohydrates and proteins, lipids are made up of repeating units
Like carbohydrates and proteins, lipids are made up of repeating units. The repeating units in lipids are called: -Triglycerides “3” 1 lipid is made up of: 1 glycerol molecule 3 fatty acid molecules 9/11/2018

7 Many bonds need to be broken during digestion to release the stored energy.
-need to add: water and enzymes “lipase” H2O Lipds are then broken down by the process “Hydrolysis” 9/11/2018

8 Lipids contain more energy per gram than any other food source…very calorie loaded

9 Carbs vs Lipids 10 grams of sugar (carb) = 39 calories
10 grams of butter (lipid) = 72 calories 10 grams of chicken (protein) = 10 cal 9/11/2018

10 Types of lipids: FATS a. Are solid at room temperature
Lard Butter Meat Egg yolks Milk Types of lipids: FATS a. Are solid at room temperature b. Found in animal products Examples: 9/11/2018

11 c. Known as “saturated” fats -unhealthy because they contain:
-heart unhealthy“cholesterol” 9/11/2018

12 Normally liquid at room temperature Found in plant products
2. OILS Normally liquid at room temperature Found in plant products Margarine Vegetable Oils Nuts Olives Examples: 9/11/2018

13 Known as “unsaturated” fats/lipids
-contains same amount of calories as saturated but are more healthier for you because they do not contain cholesterol. 9/11/2018

14 9/11/2018

15 a. Found in plants and animals b. Form of protection
Waxes a. Found in plants and animals b. Form of protection -covers all major organs c. Waterproof structures Cuticle on leaves Earwax 9/11/2018

16 a. Used to create our cell membranes.
Phospholipids a. Used to create our cell membranes. 9/11/2018

17 Steroids a. 1000 units are formed naturally
each day in our body. Should have no more than 1300 units per day. b. The rest of the steroids comes from the food we eat……which contain cholesterol (type of steroid). 9/11/2018

18 Normal level of cholesterol:
-produced by all animals, including humans. -is needed for many bodily functions and serves to insulate nerve fibers, maintain cell walls and produce vitamin D, various hormones and digestive juices. -Cholesterol is produced by the liver. LDL’s: Low Density Lipoproteins Bad cholesterol Clogs our arteries HDL’s: High Density Lipoproteins Good cholesterol Moves cholesterol back to liver for removal from body. 9/11/2018

19 Steroids also include digestive bile and sex hormones. 3 sex hormones:
estrogen progesterone testosterone 9/11/2018

20 Two test for the presence of lipids: 1. Brown Bag Test
-leaves a translucent spot -light passes through it 9/11/2018

21 Yummy!!!!!!! 9/11/2018

22 2. Solubility Test -lipids are soluble in lighter fluid BUT
insoluble in water. Remember: Likes dissolve likes Lipids are nonpolar Lighter fluid is nonpolar water is polar 9/11/2018

23 Major problem with lipids:
In order for lipids to be transported to our cells they must be able to dissolve in the water of our blood. But lipids are insoluble in water Solution????????? 9/11/2018

24 Emulsification: -lipids must be emulsified/surrounded by digestive bile salts. -Bile is: -made by liver -stored in gall bladder -slowly released into small intestines which is the only place lipids are digested. 9/11/2018

25 When a lipid is emulsified It is totally surrounded by
the bile salt. The bile salt is soluble in the water of blood so the lipid gets carried away. 9/11/2018

26 Nucleic Acids -4th Organic Compound -made up of carbon
H, O, N and Phosphorus -There are only two type: -DNA -RNA 9/11/2018

27 To Be Continued in a later chapter….
Function of nucleic acids: -To store and transmit our genetic code. Nucleic Acids are made up of many repeating units known as nucleotides. To Be Continued in a later chapter…. 9/11/2018

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