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Videos NYT Video: DeepMind's alphaGo: Match 4 Summary: see 11 min.

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Presentation on theme: "Videos NYT Video: DeepMind's alphaGo: Match 4 Summary: see 11 min. "— Presentation transcript:

1 Videos NYT Video: DeepMind's alphaGo: Match 4 Summary: see 11 min. DQN:

2 Human vs. artificial intelligence
In 1997, IBM's DeepBlue computer beat World Chess Champion, G. Kasparov. In March 2016, Google's DeepMind (alphaGo) played the game of Go against the World Go Champion, Sedol Lee. In this informal presentation, we will watch a few short videos that highlights some of the recent advances in artificial neural network algorithms (in particular, Deep Learning) and have a discussion about biological vs. artificial intelligence systems.

3 DeepBlue (1997)

4 IBM Watson on Jeopardy! (2011)
(6 min)

5 Google's alphaGo (March, 2016)

6 DeepMind's alphaGo "Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search" Nature Video: Computer that mastered Go (7 min)


8 Demis Hassabis Child prodigy Game design (Theme Park) CS (U Cambridge)
Neuroscience (PhD, UCL) on hippocampus and imagination DeepMind (start-up) Google DeepMind ($650M?) Technology Review: "Google's intelligence designer"


10 alphaGo Deep Neural Network Supervised Learning Reinforcement Learning
Monte Carlo Tree Search

11 Analogy y Find a line that minimizes the error
(total distance between the data and line). x

12 y x

13 y x

14 y x

15 action of the expert human player
Maximize likelihood. action of the expert human player 30 million positions from 160,000 games state of the game

16 SL: Try to predict the human expert, based on the game data.
RL: Reward the change, if the action led to a win. [Silver et al., 2016]

17 Learning = Choosing the best = Optimization
Objective Function Move in the "correct" direction (= gradient). w2 w1

18 alphaGo [Silver et al., 2016]

19 [Silver et al., 2016]

20 MC Tree Search efficient sampling (not a brute search)
[Silver et al., 2016]

21 [Silver et al., 2016]

22 DeepMind's earlier project
"Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning" Nature Video: Inside DeepMind DQN playing a game.


24 The Terminator and the Washing Machine
What the legendary matches between supercomputer Deep Blue and chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov reveal about today’s artificial intelligence and machine learning fears. NY Times Video

25 Predictions are hard...... 1970: "In from three to eight years we will have a machine with the general intelligence of an average human being."

26 "The end of an era, the beginning of another
"The end of an era, the beginning of another? HAL, Deep Blue and Kasparov" by Stork It has been said that when computers become world champions, we will either: Think more of computers Think less of humans or Think less of the game of chess (2016, NYT Opinions) ======================================= Does AlphaGo Mean Artificial Intelligence Is the Real Deal? AlphaGo Will Enable Us To Enhance Human Capabilities AlphaGo’s Success Shows the Human Advantage Is Eroding Fast Where Computers Defeat Humans, and Where They Can’t AlphaGo’s Artificial Intelligence Can Only Be Extrapolated So Far

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