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Employer-Paid Taxes Gross Up Calculations.

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Presentation on theme: "Employer-Paid Taxes Gross Up Calculations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Employer-Paid Taxes Gross Up Calculations

2 Gross Up Formula: Basic
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3 Basic Calculation The employee is to receive a year-end bonus of $7, The employer has agreed to pay all taxes on the bonus. The employee has been paid $75,000 year-to-date and the state supplemental wage withholding rate is 4.5%. Calculate the gross pay for this year-end bonus payment. 25% (FITW) + 4.5% (SITW) + 6.2% (SS) % (MEDI) = 37.15% 100% % = 62.85% $7,000 / = $11, Answer: $11,137.63 Proof: Taxes: $2, $ $ $ = $4,137.63 $11, $4, = $7,000

4 Basic Calculation The employee is to receive a year-end bonus of $6, The employer has agreed to pay all taxes on the bonus. The employee has been paid $90,000 year-to-date and the employee works in a state with no supplemental wage withholding rate. Calculate the gross pay for this year-end bonus payment. Answer: $8,908.69 25% (FITW) + 6.2% (SS) % (MEDI) = 32.65% 100% % = 67.35% $6,000 / = $8, Proof: Taxes: $2, $ $ = $2,908.69 $8, $2, = $6,000

5 Gross Up Formula: Social Security Limit
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6 Social Security Limit Calculation
The employee is to receive a year-end bonus of $10, The employer has agreed to pay all taxes on the bonus. The employee has been paid $124,200 year-to-date and the employee works in a state with no supplemental wage withholding rate. Calculate the gross pay for this year-end bonus payment. ($127,200 - $124,200) x 6.2% = $186 25% (FITW) % (MEDI) = 26.45% 100% % = 73.55% ($10,000 + $186) / = $13, Answer: $13,849.08 Proof: Taxes: $3, $186 + $ = $3,849.08 $13, $3, = $10,000

7 Social Security Limit Calculation
The employee is to receive a year-end bonus of $6, The employer has agreed to pay all taxes on the bonus. The employee has been paid $126,700 year-to-date and the employee works in a state with no supplemental wage withholding rate. Calculate the gross pay for this year-end bonus payment. Answer: $8,199.86 ($127,200 - $126,700) x 6.2% = $31 25% (FITW) % (MEDI) = 26.45% 100% % = 73.55% ($6,000 + $31) / = $8, Proof: Taxes: $2, $31 + $ = $2,199.86 $8, $2, = $6,000

8 Gross Up Formula: Medicare Limit
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9 Medicare Limit Calculation
The employee is to receive a year-end bonus of $30, The employer has agreed to pay all taxes on the bonus. The employee has been paid $175,000 year-to-date and the employee works in a state with no supplemental wage withholding rate. Calculate the gross pay for this year-end bonus payment. ($200,000 - $175,000) x .9% = $225 25% (FITW) % (MEDI) + .9% (SURTAX) = 27.35% 100% % = 72.65% ($30,000 - $225) / = $40, Answer: $40,984.17 Proof: Taxes: $10, $ $143.86* = $10,984.17 $40, $10, = $30, *($175,000 + $40,984.17)-$200,000 x .9% = $143.86

10 Medicare Limit Calculation
The employee is to receive a year-end bonus of $25, The employer has agreed to pay all taxes on the bonus. The employee has been paid $185,000 year-to-date and the employee works in a state with no supplemental wage withholding rate. Calculate the gross pay for this year-end bonus payment. Answer: $34,225.74 ($200,000 - $185,000) x .9% = $135 25% (FITW) % (MEDI) + .9% (SURTAX) = 27.35% 100% % = 72.65% ($25,000 - $135) / = $34, Proof: Taxes: $8, $ $173.03* = $9,225.74 $34, $9, = $25,000 *($185,000 + $34,225.74)-$200,000 x .9% = $173.03

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