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Where's the Higgs? EW variables sensitive to mH via radiative corrections mH<97 GeV (at 95% CL) (leptonic only) LEP II: mH>114.4 GeV.

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Presentation on theme: "Where's the Higgs? EW variables sensitive to mH via radiative corrections mH<97 GeV (at 95% CL) (leptonic only) LEP II: mH>114.4 GeV."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Exploration of H->aa->4mu Andy Haas Columbia University DZero Higgs Meeting May 1, 2008

2 Where's the Higgs? EW variables sensitive to mH via radiative corrections mH<97 GeV (at 95% CL) (leptonic only) LEP II: mH>114.4 GeV

3 Where's the Higgs? Maybe the Higgs is light after all,
but decays to something other than bb! The coupling to bb is not very big. Any new light state could have a large Higgs branching ratio! A natural candidate is the NMSSM. Extra singlet, the “a”, mixes with h. BR h→aa can easily be 90%. mH<97 GeV (at 95% CL) (leptonic only) LEP II: mH>114.4 GeV

4 Where's the Higgs? ~10% BR H->bb 2.3σ

5 h->aa->?? If a→ττ, limit is weak (86 GeV). (ma<2mb)
If a→cc/ss, we're screwed. (ma<2mτ) What about a→µµ? (ma<2ms) LEP II: mH>114.4 GeV

6 a->mumu? HyperCP experiment at Fermilab (data from 1999) reported in 2005 evidence for See this nice Moriond summary: SM BR expected to be between 1.6 – 9 x 10-8, so could just be SM. But strange Mµµ distribution!

7 h->aa->4mu If Ma is just above 2Mµ the muons will be extremely collinear !!! 2 tracks are visible


9 h->aa->4mu A very distinct signature
Would have been overlooked since - often only one muon is reconstructed per collinear muon pair - muon fails standard track isolation Analysis would have to specifically look for muons which had a collinear partner track (and still good calorimeter isolation) Two pairs in the same event would be a smoking gun Some theorists have thought about it:

10 h->aa->4mu Selections
Start with 1210 MC events (mh=100 GeV) 680 have 2 muons, pT>10 GeV, Mµµ >10 GeV (no opposite-sign requirement!) Track Isolation > 5 GeV Cal Isoation < 2 GeV

11 h->aa->4mu Selections
298/1210 events pass all selections 25% acceptance sigma(h)=0.5-2pb ( GeV) ~ events dR between muons > 1 N tracks in iso cone < 3 M_mumu > 15 GeV

12 Let's look at the data!

13 h->aa->4mu in Data
p17 2MuHighPt skim, 1.1/fb 6 events! But, none very clean. None with just 2 tracks in each cone. (10% acceptance for that.) Look at QCD sample, reverse calorimeter isolation cut on one side... > 2 GeV ~20-25% of jets have <3 tracks

14 h->aa->4mu QCD 92 events pass all cuts except the Ntrk requirements Expect 92*.25=23 events with one side with <3 tracks, observe 28 Expect 23*.20=4.6 events with both sides with <3 tracks, observe 6 Expect 92*.1*.1=0.92 events with both sides with <3 tracks, observe 0

15 Event Displays

16 Event Displays

17 Event Displays

18 Event Displays

19 Event Displays

20 Event Displays

21 Conclusions 6 events

22 Backup


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