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Origins and Spread of Islam

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1 Origins and Spread of Islam
Mr. Stowinsky World History

2 Deserts, Towns, & Trade Routes
The Middle East is a crossroads for 3 continents – Asia, Africa, and Europe Most people lived in wandering tribes since the area is mostly desert Courage and loyalty to family would become part of the Islamic way of life Traders brought the idea of monotheism to the area Allah – the Muslim God Ka’aba – ancient shrine in Mecca

3 The Prophet Muhammad Muhammad was a wealthy businessman who lived in Mecca Claimed to receive a message from the angel Gabriel that he was the prophet and messenger of Allah Islam – “submission to the will of Allah” Muslim – “one who has submitted” The traditional Arab gods had to be abandoned

4 The Hijrah Muhammad left Mecca after his followers were attacked
Hijrah – migration from Mecca to Yathrib Yathrib was renamed Medina In Medina, Muhammad improved his leadership skills and united the Arabs and Jews into one community

5 Return to Mecca Muhammad and 10,000 followers returned to Mecca
Destroyed the idols of the Arab gods and made a call to prayer from the Ka’aba Most of Mecca converted to Islam Not long after, most of Arabia was Islamic

6 Beliefs and Practices of Islam The Five Pillars of Islam
Faith – Allah is the only God Prayer – Face Mecca and pray 5 times a day Alms – give money to the less fortunate Fasting – Muslims don’t eat from sunrise to sunset during the holy month of Ramadan Pilgrimage – If possible, Muslims must travel to Mecca at least once - hajj

7 Way of Life Forbidden to eat pork or drink alcohol
Friday is their holy day No priests, all Muslims worship Allah directly Qu’ran – Muslim holy book Qu’rans are written in Arabic, prayer is only in Arabic

8 Links to Judaism and Christianity
Allah is the same god as in Christian and Jewish belief Jesus is just a prophet to Muslims The Qu’ran perfects the Old and New Testaments and is the final version All 3 religions have heaven & hell All 3 trace their roots to Abraham Extend religious tolerance to Christians & Jews

9 Islam Expands Eventually conquers the Byzantine Empire, the eastern half of the Roman Empire Caliph – “successor” – leaders of Islam after Muhammad’s death The religion splits Shi’ite – believe the caliph should descend from Muhammad Sunni – the caliph doesn’t have to descend from Muhammad

10 Muslim Culture 4 social classes
1st – Muslim by birth 2nd – Converts 3rd – “protected people” – Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians 4th – slaves – did household work or fought in the military Women had more rights than Christian women but were still expected to submit to men Women generally stayed home and had to wear a veil if out in public

11 Arts & Sciences Flourish
Wrote and read lots of literature, especially poetry Calligraphy – the art of beautiful handwriting Borrowed architecture from the Roman and Byzantine Empires First encyclopedias written by Muslims Emphasis on problem solving and experimentation Al-jabr – algebra Astronomy – studied comets and other smaller objects. Experiments with light also led to the development of lenses Studied and expanded on Greek philosophy

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