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Highland Construction Training Group

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1 Highland Construction Training Group
Good Afternoon – I’m Graham Bell the vice Chairman of the Highland Construction Training Group and would like to spend the next few minutes giving you an update of our activities. Who Are We? HCTG was setup in 2002 to promote training activity to the construction industry. We are a charity organisation receiving funding from the CITB to provide a range of training courses for Apprentices, Craft and Trades, operatives, managers and supervisors. For members some courses are offered on a free basis whilst others What Can We Do For You Membership is open to all construction employers and associated industries.

2 Highland Construction Training Group - Update
Who are HCTG? Membership What can we do for your business? Training Course Programme Other Courses Mental Health & Suicide Awareness Welcome Good Afternoon – For those of you who don’t know me I’m Ian Phillips Chairman of the Highland Construction Training Group. On behalf of myself and the HCTG board I’d firstly like to welcome you all and thank you for attending our annual general meeting. In terms of housekeeping I can advise that there are no planned alarms and should this occur we should leave the building by the nearest exit which is …. and muster at the assembly point outside in the car park area. Who Are We? HCTG was setup in 2002 to promote training activity to the construction industry. We are a charity organisation receiving funding from the CITB to provide a range of training courses for Apprentices, Craft and Trades, operatives, managers and supervisors. Membership Membership is open to all construction employers and associated industries. To be a member you have to be a levy payer with the associated levy number. What Can We Do For You? We aim to provide a central resource for the management of construction industry training courses in the Highlands. For members some courses are offered on a free basis whilst others are offered at a discounted rate.

3 Highland Construction Training Group – Course Programme
September 17 October 17 Cross Country Pipeline Emergency 1st Aid Understanding Tax Level 1 H&S Emergency First Aid MEWPS (IPAF) Driver CPC Abrasive Wheels Asbestos Awareness Fire Marshall PASMA – Mobile Tower Are there any other courses that you would like us to run?

4 Highland Construction Training Group – Course Programme
November17 December 17 SMSTS Behavioural Event SEATS D & A Awareness Confined Space First Work SMSTS Refresher NRSWA Mental Health / Suicide Awareness Are there any other courses that you would like us to run?

5 Highland Construction Training Group – Other Courses
Effective RAMS Writing Principal Designer Occupational Health H&S In Temporary Works Cable Avoidance Scottish Water DOMS National Water Hygiene Quarry Passport Environmental Awareness Bill of Quantities NEC 3 Eng. & Construction Contract Working at Height British Safety Council (Level 1) Bill of Quantities Building Information Modelling Traffic Management Water Jetting Awareness Working at Height Directors Responsibilities (Health & Safety) Are there any other courses that you would like us to run?

6 Highland Construction Training Group
Mental Health and Suicide in Construction Industry NHS Highland safeTALK 13th November ½ Day Session for Suicide Alertness Book Your Place at HCTG wanted to highlight the issue of Mental health and suicide in the Construction Industry. This is a big problem but that that no one talks about. Its a very quiet problem as nobody wants to admit that they have concerns or worries and need help. Over the past few months HCTG have been discussing the issue with NHS Highland and we have secured a number of placed at the next safeTalk being held on November 13th. This is a half day session and is intended as suicide alertness training. safeTALK teaches you to recognise persons with thoughts of suicide and to connect them to suicide intervention resources. Secure you place by ing the group at

7 Highland Construction Training Group – Contact Info Find Out More At: Contact Us: Tel: Facebook: Highland Construction Training Group Newsletter: To be published in the next few weeks including: Member Survey Results, Fort William & Skye Visits, Construction/GoConstruct Ambassador Update, CITB Flexible and Structured Funding Update, Detail on the Confirmed Levy Proposal Find Out More At: Contact Us: Tel: Facebook: Highland Construction Training Group The courses mentioned already are a selection of what is offered. I’d encourage members to let us know about their individual training needs and any new training initiatives. We are always looking for new board members to assist in running the Group. This isn’t a big commitment and is rewarding so please do think about this and get in touch.

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