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Presentation on theme: "ANCIENT GREECE! Olympics."— Presentation transcript:

-The Olympic sports consisted of 10 events. They were, Javelin, Discus, Running, Trumpeting, Long jump, Pankration, Chariot racing, Horse riding, Armoured racing and wresting. -The Olympic Games started 2700 years ago. -The award was a wreath if you won. -They took place at Olympia. By Adam and Charlie

2 Gods and Goddesses. -The all-mighty god was called Zeus
Gods and Goddesses. -The all-mighty god was called Zeus. -Zeus threw thunderbolts when he was unhappy. -Poseidon was the god of the sea. -Poseidon’s weapon is the trident and that is a three pronged spear. -Ares is the god of war. -She carries around a sword and a shield. -Athena was born out of Zeus’s head. -Hades is the god of the Underworld. -He has a three headed dog called Cerberus.

3 Greek pots. -They make them out of clay found from under-ground
Greek pots. -They make them out of clay found from under-ground. -They usually have lots of patterns and an Ancient Greek Olympic sport. -They made worm shapes out of clay and then built it up that way. -They did the patterns and the sport with just a paint brush. -They did all of this just by hand because here were no machines back then.

4 Democracy. Back in Ancient Greece democracy was different in many ways. For example, Women, Children, Slaves and no – one Athenian could not vote.

5 Quiz questions. 1. What do winners of the Olympic Games get. 2
Quiz questions. 1.What do winners of the Olympic Games get? 2.Who is the all-mighty God? 3.What is Poseidon’s weapon? 4.What was one of the Greeks strategies of making pots? 5.What Goddess was born out of Zeus’s head?

6 Quiz answers. 1. A wreath. 2. Zeus. 3. A three pronged trident. 4
Quiz answers. 1.A wreath. 2.Zeus. 3.A three pronged trident. 4.Making worm shapes out of clay then building it up. 5.Athena.

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