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بسمه تعالی.

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Presentation on theme: "بسمه تعالی."— Presentation transcript:

1 بسمه تعالی

2 List of operations done in Afzalipour and Bahonar Hospitals from 96/09/1 until 96/09/23

3 Laparotomy

4 diagnosis 0peration Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Gastric cancer
Exp lap subtotal gastrectomy gastrojejunostomy +braun anastomosis Dr khojandi 1 Gastric mass Exp lap +partial gastrectomy and herniorrhaphy Dr Jafari Cholangiocarcinoma stage 3b Exp lap +cholecystectomy +CBD explore +T tube insertion Duodenal Mass Whipple Dr Najmaddini Neck sarcoma+ retro peritoneal mass Exp lap + core needle BX and incisional BX of pancreatic mass + port insertion Dr Fallah Esophagous SCC Jejunostomy feeding tube insertion

5 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar
Obstruction due to colon cancer Exp lap + colostomy insertion Dr Behzadi 1 GI obstruction Exp lap+ ileal resection and anasthomosis Dr Jafari 2 GI obstruction due to bezoar EXP LAP +entrotomy Dr najmaddini Exp lap + herniorrhaphy Dr Najmaddini GI obstruction + cholecystitis + internal hernia Exp lap + cholecystectomy + repair of hernia Sigmoid volvulus rectosigmoidoscopy + exp lap ,resection anastomosis of sigmoid Dr jafari PU perforation Exp laparotomy +gastrorrhaphy and omental patch Dr Poorrashidi Mesentric vein ischemia Exp laparotomy + small bowel resection +ileostomy insertion (double barrel)

6 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar 1 Hepatic hemangioma
Resection of hemangioma Dr Najmaddini 1 Liver hydatid cyst Exp lap + evaccuation of cyst Hydrops of gallbladder Partial cholecystectomy cholecystitis Open cholecystectomy Dr Khojandi Incarcerated parostomal hernia Exp lap + colostomy insertion Huge splenomegaly Splenectomy

7 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar
Para aortic lymphadenopathy Exp lap & Bx of lymph node Dr Najmaddini dr.khojandi 1 Appandicitis (phlegmon) Exp laparatomy Dr Taghipour

8 Total 24 Afzalipoor 19 Bahonar 5

9 Trauma

10 Diagnostic laparascopy converted to lap + enterorrhaphy Dr Fallah 1
Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar MT + illeal perforation Diagnostic laparascopy converted to lap + enterorrhaphy Dr Fallah 1 MT +illeal perforation Exp lap + illeal resection + anastomosis + ventral herniorrhaphy Dr rahmani MT. liver laceration + Rt hepatic vein rupture Exp lap + depacking + hepatorrhaphy + Rt hepatic vein ligation Dr Najmaddini Hemorrhagic shock due to internal bleeding Exp lap + hepatorrhaphy MT Reduction of jejunojejunal intussusception Dr Behzadi

11 Total 5 Afzalipoor 2 Bahonar 3

12 Thorax

13 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Tracheal stenosis Rigid bronchoscopy + resect and anastomosis of trachea Dr Najmaddini 2 Lung Hydatid cyst Thoracotomy + evaccuation of cyst +pneumolysis 1 Emphysema / pleural effusion VATS + decortication Dr Pourrashidi 3 Chest wall mass Core needle Bx Dr Taghipour Lt lung mass Excisional Bx Chest wall sarcoma Thoracotomy + Excision of mass + rib resection Dr Poor rashidi

14 bahonar afzalipour resident operation diagnosis 1 Dr.najmaddini Thoracotomy + exp lap + gastrorarphy + chest tube insertion Foreign body ingestion 14 12 Chest tube insertion

15 Total 36 Afzalipoor 22 Bahonar 14

16 Vascular

17 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Port insertion
Dr Rahmani Dr Taghipour Dr Biglari Dr Zarepour Dr Fallah 1 6 ESRD Shaldon insertion/ permicath insertion/ AV fistula Dr Khojandi Dr Adeli Dr Shahidi 8 5 Cv line insertion dr Fallah dr Shahidi 3 4 Rt femoral artery aneurysm Repair of rt femoral artery aneurysm Dr Behzadi Lt & Rt radial artery cutting Exp wound and end to end anastomosis artery 2 Non functional AVF Basilic vein superficialization +basilic vein to brachial artery anastomosis

18 Total 31 Afzalipoor 12 Bahonar 19

19 Pediatric

20 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Inguinal hernia Herniorrhaphy Dr Rahmani 1 Anorectal malformation Anorectoplasty Dr Pourrashidi Prolonged intubation Tracheostomy Dr Taghipour CAH (clitromegally) Clitroplasty NEC Exp lap +entrolysis +entrorrhaphy Dr Jafari

21 Total 6 Afzalipoor 5 Bahonar 1

22 Laparoscopy

23 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar SGS Laparascopy convert to open cholecystectomy Dr Khojandi 1 Laparascopic cholecystectomy Dr Khojandi DR Behzadi Dr Jafari Dr Najmadini dr.Rahmani Dr Zarepour Dr Taghipour 10 9 Morbid obesity Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy 3 Gastric cancer Diagnostic laparascopy Dr Pourrashidi Ventral hernia +Rt hydrocele Laparscopic herniorrhaphy +hydrocelectomy Stab wound Diagnostic laparoscopy Dr.taghipoor

24 Total 26 Afzalipoor 12 Bahonar 14

25 Breast

26 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Breast cancer MRM,LN dissection Dr Fallah 1 BCT+LN dissection Dr Khojandi Dr Behzadi 3 Breast abscess I&D Dr Pourrashidi Dr Taghipour 2 Breast mass Excision Dr Shahmoradi Core needle biopsy Dr Poorashidi

27 Total 8 Afzalipoor 3 Bahonar 5


29 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Paratyroeid adenoma parathyroidectomy Dr Behzadi 1 PTC Thyroidectomy +cervical LND Dr Khojandi Thyroid nodule total Thyroidectomy Dr Najmaddini Dr.jafari 2

30 Total 4 Afzalipoor 2 Bahonar

31 Hernia

32 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Inguinal hernia Herniorrhaphy With mesh Dr Najmaddini Dr Jafari Dr Khojandi Dr Pourrashidi Dr Taghipour Dr Rahmani Dr Zarepour 4 Ventral hernia Herniorrhaphy with mesh+/_ entrolysis 1 Incisional hernia Herniorrhaphy with mesh +enterolysis Umblical hernia Herniorrhaphy with mesh Dr Khojandi Dr Behzadi 2

33 Total 13 Afzalipoor 5 Bahonar 8

34 Anorectal

35 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Perianal abscess I&D Dr Taghi poor Dr Rahmani Dr Shahidi Dr Zare poor 4 2 Anal fissure PLIS Dr Poorashidi Dr Zarepoor Dr Khojandi Dr Biglari 3 5 Hemorrhoid Hemorrhoidectomy Dr Taghipoor Pilonidal abscess Dr Zarepour Dr Biglari Dr Fallah Dr Taghipour Dr Adeli 7 Pilonidal sinus Excision

36 Total 37 Afzalipoor 17 Bahonar 20

37 Appendicitis

38 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Appendicitis Appendectomy Dr Zarepour Dr Biglari Dr Adeli Dr Shahidi Dr Pourdavood 9 6

39 Total 15 Afzalipoor 9 Bahonar 6

40 Others

41 Diagnosis Operation Resident Afzalipour Bahonar Diabetic foot D & I Dr. Adeli 1 Neck abscess I & D Dr.Taghipoor Skin Defect Skin Graft Dr. Biglari 2 Wound infection Dr.Fallah Buttock abscess Dr. Fallah Cervical laceration Neck exploration and hemostasis Dr.Behzadi ESRD Peritoneal dialysis catheter correction

42 Total 9 Afzalipoor 3 Bahonar 6


44 TOTAL 214 Afzallipour 111 Bahonar 103

45 CASE 1: A 82 y/o man with PMH of DM & HTN was admitted with MT due to CTCA that in performed physical examination abdominal tenderness , rebound tenderness and guarding was detected.(V/S: BP:140/80 PR:120 O2Sat:93% )After resuscitation and underwent laparotomy ( resection and anastomosis of ileum) he was admitted to the ICU and after 4 days of admission because of cardiopulmonary arrest he expired. Dr.rahmani

46 CASE 2: A 51 y/o woman with PMH of DM & IHD admitted with necrotizing fasciitis of left lower limb that amputation had been done .In 21th day of admission patient had cardiopulmonary arrest that successful CPR was done and then she admitted to the ICU .Finally she expired on 24th day of admission. Dr.poorrashidi

47 CASE 3: A 71 y/o man with PMH of CHF & HTN admitted with signs of cholecystitis that in performed sonography multiple stones in GB & CBD diameter 12mm was reported also MRCP was done with report of multiple filling defects in CBD then ERCP and sphincterotomy was done ,after that cholecystectomy & choledocoduodenostomy is done in Bahonar hospital . He admitted to the ICU after the surgery. Because of ↓O2Sat due to pleural effusion which was detected in CXR, bilateral chest tube was inserted but finally after 2days of ICU admission he expired. Dr.Biglari

48 CASE 4: A 74 y/o man with PMH of HTN,with history of abdominal pain of RUQ, icterus and itching from two month ago, he candidate for PTC insertion ,PTC inserted but it removed by the patient ,due to this internal bleeding happened. Sonography ; a lot of free fluid in abdominopelvic cavity with hematoma. Plan: surgery Exp laparotomy with liver depacking ,cholecystectomy and t tube insertion In hospitalization period ,he had a cardiac arrest ;CPR started but was not successful. Dr.jafari

49 CASE 5: A 76 y/o woman with PMH of HTN come with sign of obstruction and gallbladder hydrops ,she operated and open cholecystectomy and exp lap was done that internal hernia of small bowel diagnosed. In hospitalization period the hemodynamic of patient become worsen so emergency operation was done that small bowel was ischemic ,ischemic bowel resect and double barrel ileostomy inserted. In hospitalization period,he had a cardiac arrest; CPR started but was not successful. Dr.najmaddini

50 CASE 6: A 44 y/o old man known case of imperforated anus, with colostomy from 3 years ago, that came with abdominal pain and n/v from 2 weeks before of admission. With diagnosis of obstruction he operated (laparotomy + enterolysis +resection and anastomosis and colon). He admitted in ICU, and in period of admission, he had 3 other operation because of wound infection and bleeding from site of injury . Finally he expired due to cardiopulmonary arrest Dr.najmadini

51 Thanks for your attention

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