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25% of the Third Marking Period

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1 25% of the Third Marking Period
The I-Search Paper 25% of the Third Marking Period

2 Choosing a Topic Something that really interests you!
Something that you know very little about Something you once saw in a movie or on TV? Something a friend told you about? Something that sounds too unreal to be true?

3 Choosing a Topic It is crucial that you choose a topic about which you know nothing or just little. The first I-Search assignment hinges on your relative ignorance about the topic.

4 Opposing Viewpoints You can use this LMC database to brainstorm topic ideas. The sources are already organized according to “pro” and “con.”

5 Mode The I-Search paper is not an informational “report.” It will be written in the persuasive mode. You will be asked to defend a thesis position. Concepts to avoid: Biography of (just information) History of (just information) Future of (pure speculation) Impact of (too broad to quantify)

6 Make a list of at least ten topic possibilities based on the suggestions which follow or based on anything else that occurs to you as you view the following categorized list of previous student I-Search papers . . .

7 Communications Comparative mythology “Fake news” Movie violence
Censorship Freedom of speech Subliminal advertising Urban legends News Infotainment

8 Government and Politics
Immigration Opioid addiction Poverty in the U.S. Carbon tax European refugee crisis ACA/Obamacare Oil consumption Communism and Socialism

9 Health Fetal genetic manipulation Insomnia
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria The origin of Ebola Alzheimer’s disease Gluten-free diet Savantism

10 Historic Figures/History
Finding Amelia Earhart D.B. Cooper The real Atlantis Purpose of Stonehenge The Holy Grail The Ark of the Covenant Salem witch trials Nazi treasure and stolen art

11 Psychology American culture of fear Dreams and nightmares Mindfulness
Multiple personalities Cults and deprogramming Insanity defense “Free-Range” Parenting

12 Social Issues Marijuana legalization Native Americans rights
The income gap College costs Doctor-assisted suicide Capital punishment Video games and violence

13 Local Issues Tyler Park deer hunt Locavore movement
Fracturing for natural gas Warminster/Willow Grove water contamination Penn East pipeline

14 Mythology/Parapsychology
Modern witchcraft Near-death experiences Ghosts Big Foot The Bermuda Triangle The Loch Ness Monster Telekinesis

15 Religion Voodoo as religion The Book of Revelation
Jonestown, Guyana cult Modern anti-Semitism Faith healers Pagan/modern holidays Liberal Catholicism

16 Science and Nature Glacial depletion Mars travel Jurassic Park?
Global climate change Time travel Animal intelligence Genetically Modified Food

17 Sports Salary caps Concussions Pros in the Olympic Games
Steroid use/doping Hazing Political expression

18 Technology Nuclear power 3D-printed human organs
Alternative energy sources DNA testing and justice Cyber/computer warfare Artificial intelligence/sentience

19 In the next 24 hours Listen to friends’ and family members’ conversations Tune in to news broadcasts Click through online news sources or channel surf

20 DO NOT start by googling your topic
DO NOT start by googling your topic. Rank order your three potential topic choices based on your immediate level of interest or excitement, and lack of prior knowledge

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