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Chapter 10 “Chemical Quantities”

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1 Chapter 10 “Chemical Quantities”
You will need a calculator for this chapter!

2 Section 10.1 p. 287 The Mole: A Measurement of Matter

3 How do we measure items? You can measure mass, volume, or count pieces We measure mass in grams We measure volume in liters We count pieces in MOLES

4 Other Ways to Measure Amount
Pair: 1 pair of socks = 2 socks Dozen: 1 dozen donuts = 12 donuts Gross: 1 gross of pencils = 144 pencils (12 dozen) Ream: 1 ream of paper = 500 sheets of paper Guided Practice Problem p. 289

5 Practice Problem #2 pg. 289 Assume 2.0 kg of apples is 1 dozen and that each apple has 8 seeds. How many apple seeds are in 14 kg of apples? (work INDEPENDENTLY to solve)

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