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GROWTH ECONOMICS and Fund-raising in international cooperation SECS-P01, CFU 9 Economics for Development academic year 2017-18 9. INNOVATION TRANSFER Roberto.

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Presentation on theme: "GROWTH ECONOMICS and Fund-raising in international cooperation SECS-P01, CFU 9 Economics for Development academic year 2017-18 9. INNOVATION TRANSFER Roberto."— Presentation transcript:

1 GROWTH ECONOMICS and Fund-raising in international cooperation SECS-P01, CFU 9 Economics for Development academic year 9. INNOVATION TRANSFER Roberto Pasca di Magliano Fondazione Roma Sapienza-Cooperazione Internazionale

2 Innovation= value creation

3 Value Creation Innovation converts research into economic value and creation of specialized jobs “Capitalism is based on a process of continuous revolution based on technological innovation through phases in which new structures emerge and old ones are destroyed. This process of 'creative destruction' is the fundamental fact of capitalism” ( Joseph Schumpeter)

4 Meening of Innovation Innovation is the action of making new products or new methodologies/process that did not exist before In order to innovate one has to focus applied research on technology transfer towards the business sector as follows: Identification of new technologies and their industrial application Protection of the investment into new technologies via patent, copyrights, license, design rights Definition and development of appropriate marketing strategies Technology transfer via licensing and commercial agreement towards existing companies or new startups Innovation: Makes a discontinuity in traditional knowledge, and know-how. This discontinuity increases overall productivity and labour productivity. i.e. with the same amount of resources it is possible to produce more goods (development) or to use less resources needed to produce the some amount of goods than before (sustainability) Development and sustainability are linked to technology diffusion and production process, quality of life (rise of income) and to the environment (improved use of available resource)

5 New entrepreneural capitalism of Research & Innovation
It is a tech-based capitalism focused on research as the main driver for competition and enterprice’s development It is a capitalism based on innovative entrepreneurs with an advanced university curriculum It is a capitalism improving technology and innovation diffusion through spill-overs and knowledge sharing) and the creation of new start ups with a direct benefit fo the overall economy It is a capitalism that is able to attract foreign investment either in the equity acquisition of existing companies or in the green field investments

6 Life cycle of innovative firms and finacing resouces
Idea Spin-off market Continuous innovation of the product Final organization structure marketing e6 sales investments Partnership and acquisitions Company set up Innovative prototype Commercial feed backs Tuning of innovative product Commercial structure Strategic Partnership Product definition Business plan Market analysis Analysis and idea evaluation Activity - Incubatorors - Business Angels - Public Admin. support Venture Capital Private Equity Support - Private Equity - IPO Family financing Pre- seed financing Family financingSeed Second Round Venture capital Expansion Capital Pre-seed financing typicallSeed financing Start up financing in the testing phase of the innovative idea. The idea is often channeled into paths of of which must be checked for validity commercial

7 Start up and spin-off are unattractive to the conventional credit
RIS K «Lab-pure» Research Base Research Market Test Applied Research Patents and Licences Prototype 100% financing from Public Institutions ( Incentives, contributions, scholarships,…) Partnership private-public sector (Equity Capital, Loans, guarantees) Venture Capital hi tech investments (Private sector) Produce and Put the innovative product on the market DON’T have a solid bankable DON’T generate a positive cash flow DON’T have a business model to understand DON’T have access to forms of finance based on collateral DON’T generate interest for the banks because of the limited investment Risk High Medium Low

8 Financing technogical innovation
Venture Capital Financing of business ventures in high-technology sectors in the initial phase of their business Investment in risk capital for firms having an high growth potential, on the part of specialist Venture Capitalist Mechanisms to define return to the investors of the capital collected by start-up Limits -> considerable managerial skills of the start-up’s team Business Angels Non-institutional investors (managers) which manifest themselves through management support and forms of direct financing to companies still in their infancy and therefore requiring initial financial resources Reflecting their a strong risk attitude, they subscribe to a part of the capital investment in spin off with high growth potential and they provide important management consulting and financial

9 R&D investments: EU comparison
Svezia ,74% Finlandia 3,45% Germania 2,54% Danimarca 2,48% Austria 2,46% Francia 2,10% Belgio 1,88% Regno Unito 1,76% Olanda 1,71% Lussemburgo ,66% Slovenia 1,56% Rep. Ceca 1,55% Irlanda 1,30% Spagna 1,20% Italia ,16% Average UE 1,85% Fonte: Eurostat, Key dati 2006

10 R&D investments in Italy
= % GDP Fonte: Commissione europea, Key Figures 2006, Media EU-27

11 Innovation Performance comparison

12 Investors in R&D in Italy
subjects Investment in R&D % University 4.792 33% Public and/or governamental bodies 2.565 18% Private firms and private research center 7.057 48% Non Profit Organization 186 1% TOTAL 14.600 100% (million euro 2010) In Italy private companies have a very low involvement in the R&D process and investments Fonte: Elaborazioni IPI su dati ISTAT “Indagine sui centri per l’innovazione e il trasferimento tecnologico in Italia”

13 R&D distribution within firms
more than 80% of private investment in R&D is concentrated in only 3% of the firms 3% firms > 80% R&S 97% firms < 20% R&S Fonte: Elaborazioni IPI su dati ISTAT “Indagine sui centri per l’innovazione e il trasferimento tecnologico in Italia”

14 Measures to improve relationships among research centers and firms in Italy
In Italy there are many actors trying to fill the gaps within the innovation value chain. These actors have to create links between the different subjects involved This implies different and more effective organizations to bring innovation from public research centers to private companies, in particular small and medium-through services for spin-offs and start-ups in the areas as follows: promoting innovation (joint lab) service quality management business plan and market analysis business management systems support the participation of venture capital support to finance investment projects Fonte: Elaborazioni IPI “Indagine sui centri per l’innovazione e il trasferimento tecnologico in Italia”

15 Conclusions Spin-offs and high-tech start-ups are the best way to create value from applied reasearch and innovation diffusion. In order to promote such a process, the following interventions are needed: Support activities (e.g.: how to incorporate a company, how to manage it, market analysis, business plan, procedure for quality control and patenting) Laboratories and offices (Innovation parks) Coordination with selected partners in Italy and abroad Equity financing from SEED and Venture Capital Preferential credit lines for research and innovation activities

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